Mini Me

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It feels like my whole world has finally sorted itself out for the better, a baby on the way, marrying my perfect, beautiful best friend, and now my parents are back in my life for good. I talk to them regularly with visits every few weeks, it's nice to be able to look forward to our wedding with knowing they're now happy about Nathan. My dad often calls him to talk to him about random manly stuff, it's nice, they've developed a nice little friendship. It's exactly what I needed.

We still haven't told people at work about the baby yet but we are due to go for a scan soon which I'm so excited for, because we're finding out what we're having.. a mini me, or a mini Nathan.. I haven't told Nathan yet but I'm hoping for a mini him. I don't know why but I'd love to see him with a baby boy, he's perfect with Jordan so I know he'll be even more wonderful with his own son. Just like he is with Susan.. a perfect dad.

"You alright? Do you need anything?" Nathan asks as we arrive at my classroom. I settle my bag down next to me seat before hanging my jacket up.

"I'm good thanks babe, will I see you at lunch?"

"Morning break.. I'll come find you.. yeah?" He meets me with a smile, wrapping his arm around my waist.. "If you need anything.. just drop me a message.."

"I will.. I'll be fine.."

"I can't help but worry about you.. and this little one.." his hand shifts from my waist to my stomach.. "I can't wait for later.."

"Later.. when we see our baby on the screen.. and find out who they are.."

"Mhm.. it's going to be amazing..I love you both so much.." he places a sweet kiss on my lips.

"I love you too Nathan.." I softly stroke his cheek with my hand.. "You better go before the bell goes.."

"Mmm.." he just rests his head against mine, closing his eyes briefly, we share a moment before we hear commotion in the school hallway.. "Duty calls.."

"See you later boss.." I give him another kiss, before he walks backwards towards the door c watching me as he takes every step.. before he disappears into the hallway. It's not long before the students come flooding through the door. The morning goes over quite quickly, and on my lunch break, I make my way to Nathan's classroom to meet him for lunch.. as I walk along the hallway.. I glance along to the principal's office where he stands with a woman with her back to me.. just as I meet the eyes of the principal, the woman follows his glance and turns to face me, and I'm met with the look of.. Megan.

What the fuck is she doing here?!

I continue onto Nathan's room, he's sat as predicted at his desk, looking through some work. I go and join him, but I can't shift what I've just saw out in the hallway.

"Hey! How was your morning?" He asks.

"Not bad.."

"Are you sure? You look like you've seen a ghost.."

"I think I just did.." I chuckle before looking back at the doorway.. "I uh.. I just saw Megan.."

"You did? Here?"

"Yeah.. she was stood with the principal outside his office.."

"Right.." he doesn't seem too bothered as he starts opening his lunch.. waiting for me to do the same.

"Isn't it weird?" I ask.

"Not really.. she's probably here for the visit to England again.. but I won't be going this year.."

"You won't?"

"No.. I can't leave you and the baby here on your own whilst I go away for two weeks.." he tells me.. "Now.. can we talk about something other than her?"

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