Brett 13.0

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I just wished she would see how much I liked her, how she is on my mind all the time of the day. The day I met her is the day I wished I could hold her forever. But I know she won't be mine for long.

She is too young for me, and Andrea would have my head on a stick again.

maggie was the final line in our marriage, I should have never done that to her. Let alone get maggie pregnant. That was something that Andrea had always dreamed of, and for me to go and do that to someone else that wasn't her. I knew that it ruined her in bits.

I vowed to Andrea to always put her first and only her. But Laura, man. She is something else I tell you. Her long tan legs and her brunette hair and her presence around me make me act a certain way.

Just her being here around me gets me high.

I just don't how to choose right now. Either my wife or this Laura girl, who is from the streets.

"Why did it take so long for you to talk to me?" I turn around and was met with maggie.

"I think we both know exactly why," I speak looking at her and taking her appearance in.

still wearing those sides braids and those boots as if she is going on a military tour or something.

She closes herself in and I can tell I still make her melt.

I scoot closer to her and I can hear her whimpers coming out of her.

"do you love her? this new girl that you brought in? thinking that it would cause a reaction out of me?" maggies staggers out

I look into her eyes but she doesn't keep eye contact.

"Why does that matter to you?" I ask still keeping in contact.

She finally gives in and looks at me and speaks "because she isn't your type." she says

I back up and look at her in disgust, making her smile fall

"what's my type then? because it ain't you." I laugh and turn back around towards the window.

"she's too young for you and you know it! she's a whore from the streets isn't she?" she spits

Who the fuck does she think she is?

I stop in my tracks and turn around quickly and walk towards her fast.

I grab a fist full of her hair and lean her up against the wall.

My breath is heavy and I'm pissed.

she looks at me and she is in pain but trying not to show it and smirks.

"you think that's funny?" I ask and pull her hair more making her wince.

her smirks fall.

"don't go too far mags, remember who I am. With a snap of a finger, I can make you disappear just like that." I snap my fingers and let go of her hair and she falls to the ground.

"I fucking hate you!" she cries out and leaves

"Mutual feelings babe," I yell back out.

I shake my head and hear the clicks on the floor, indicating that Laura or someone is coming.

I fix myself and wait

"Brett?" I confusing voice wonders in the room

"I'm right here" I answer

she looks over in my direction and she smiles.

That smile.

She comes into the light and my jaw falls to the floor and I gasp for air.

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