Laura 29.0

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"Laura?" I look over and it's Jack.

"where's Brett?" I freak out and Jack gets up and holds my hand and I think of the worst.

"He's okay Laura. He's in surgery right now. He got shot and the bullet got stuck in his shoulder." he says and I nod my head.

"Jo?" I say.

"She's okay too. She went to the cafeteria to get some coffee," he says and I sit back in relief.

"Are they dead?" I ask.

"yeah, all three of them are," he says and I start to cry because I thought I lost him.

"do you know how long you were under for?" he asks and I shake my head.

"for three and a half minutes," a voice says and I look at the door, and it's jo.

She walks over to me and we hug. "I thought I was going to lose you," she says and we both start crying.

"what happened?" I asked not recollecting anything after I got hit by brock.

"When the gun went off it was brett who had shot Crimden and Wyatt went after him and so did Brock. You hoped on his back and yall both fell in the water Brock shot Brett in the shoulder and I grabbed your gun and shot Wyatt in the head and when Brock resurfaced I shot him too and went after you," she said and I couldn't help but stop crying because she saved my life.

"Thank you, J" I sniffle.

"No, thank you. You saved me too kid." she smiles.

we were interrupted by a nurse coming. 

"Sorry, but this room was put down for the family of Brett Tyler?" she asks and looks at us.

"Yes we are his family." we all said in unison.

she laughs "okay, good news. He is out of surgery and is doing well. He can be able to go home tomorrow." she smiles and walks out.

"I didn't know any of this was going on if I did. I would have killed those guys." Jack says and he feels so guilty but he shouldn't be.

"it's okay. All that matters is that you are here now." I say in hopes that he would feel better.

I look at Jo and you can see something that is bothering her. She's just standing there looking out the window. Deep down, I know they did something to her but I won't ask, instead I'll wait until she tells me when she is ready to.

I lay my head back because a headache is coming through.

"Is his wife blonde?" She asks

I open my eyes and look at jo weird.

"is who's wife blonde?" I ask and look at Jack and he's looking at me confused.

"Brett," she says and continues to look out the window.

"uh yeah, why," I say and she sits down.

"She was pregnant with that guy's kid and he killed it," she says with no emotion as if it was all drained from her.

"yeah she had uh an affair with that guy Brock," I say and I couldn't wrap my thoughts for Andrea.

"Yeah she came in and they talked and when she mentioned having a kid, he didn't like that and he hit her," she says and starts crying.

Jack goes to where she is and tries to console her.

The thought of Andrea losing a child hurts me even though she hit me. No one deserves that.

I shake my head at the thought and try to sleep.


"Alright, Miss Matthews you are all good to go. Be careful and if those headaches keep bothering you, come back and we can access tests for you." the nice nurse says and I nod my head.

"Want to try and see Brett?" asked Jack and I nod my head.

"Hopefully he's awake," J says and we walk onto the elevator and go to the floor that he's on.

We get on the floor and Jack leads the way.

"room 314," he says and I look in the glass and see her, Andrea sitting on the bed.

I look down and Jo looks in and shakes her head.

"Just go in," she says and I shake my head no.

"why not?" she asks

"Because she can kick me out. She's still the wife until they are divorced." I say and we sit outside the door.

I fiddle with my fingers and stare at the countless pictures on the hospital wall. All I can think about is seeing Brett and wondering how he's doing. My thoughts are interrupted and I hear laughs and it's coming from his room, I move my head closer to the door and I can hear his voice. I smile because this confirms that he is okay.

I stand up and I was fixing to walk out but I hear my name being called and I turn around to see Jo and Jack asleep on each other and see her standing at the door.

"He wants you," she says and opens the door wider and I slowly walk in and around the corner he was in his bed with wrappings on his shoulder and around his neck.

I smile from ear to ear and so does he.

"I'm glad you're okay. I couldn't stop thinking about you since I woke up" he says and I sit on the chair.

"No, come on here and sit with me," he says and pats the spot next to him on the bed.

I do so and sit with him, but make sure I don't hurt him.

"Is Jo alright?" he asks and the same thought came back up but I pushed it to the side.

"Yeah she's fine," I say and he pulls my head to lay on his good shoulder and he places a kiss on my head.

 "I thought I lost you," he says and holds my hand.

"well too bad, I'm still here," I joke and he laughs.

"Yeah and I'm glad you are," he says and kisses my head.

"How's Andrea holding up?" I ask looking at the small tv that is playing the great gatsby on silent.

"she says she's ok but she's got an appointment here in a couple of days to see if she miscarried or not," he says.

"Oh," I say and my heart sinks in and I feel nothing but sadness for her.

"What time are they releasing you today?" I ask

"Here in about an hour," he says and turns the TV off. I look up at him and he's looking at me.

"hey! that's a good movie" I project.

"Laura, you know I love you" he starts and I nod my head, "when I met you, you were something else. And from then on, I couldn't get enough of you. I felt like I needed to see you all the time, and the small little break we had felt like forever. And seeing you again felt like the first time all over again." he says and I smile at his words.

"I love you too," I say and kiss his hand.

"Laura," he says 

"mmm," I say and continue to play with his hands.

"Will you marry me?" he whispers in my ear and I stop playing with his hand and I slowly look up at him and start smiling.

"Yes, yes of course!" I say in excitement.

I kiss his lips and it felt like fireworks because of the tingles as our lips connected. I've never wanted something so much in my life. Because Brett Tyler completed me. I'll love you forever.

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