Laura 26.0

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Pulling into the familiar dirt road and I can already smell the area. I park the car and lock the doors twice, this place reeks of hell and foul play. Nothing is good in the area, not even the water.

Memories come flooding in and I get another headache, I rub my temples and some lady comes running at me. I take off running and head for the door that I once knew. Opening the door and slamming it shut. Out of breath I slowly turn around and see him, Morgan.

"I got a half an ounce for a couple of hundos," He says, I stand there waiting for him to recognize me but he doesn't.

I walk out of the dark and into the light. He keeps breaking up the white dust with a credit card and I sit.

"if that ain't for you, we can go with just a sniff for fifty bucks though," he says and finally looks up and we meet eyes and fall back on his chair.

"Who are you and what do you want," he says getting closer to the door.

I threw a couple of hundreds on the table.

"I'm Laura," I say and he searches my face and slowly makes his way back to the table.

"No way!" he says and gets all in my face and really starts to feel on my cheeks and I flinch because of the soft spot from Andrea.

He backs up and sits. Lighting up a cigarette and blows it out and some of it comes into my face.

"look at you," Morgan says and looks me up and down. "All grown" he smiles and takes another puff.

"Yeah, I had to," I say and look away.

"We all did, right?" he asks and I nod my head.

"if you made it out, then why are you back here?" he asks

I hesitate because he and Jo go way back before I came around and I know he is the only one who can find her.

"It's Jo" I finally say and puff another looking at me again.

"What's that got to do with me?" he asks and starts to chop up the white substance.

"I need help, Morgan! I got money to give to you if you will just help me find her" I beg

He shrugs his shoulder and it's making me mad. I stand up and slam my wallet on the table making all the dust fall off the table and the money falls to the ground. "I need your dammit!" I yell and he puts his cigarette out.

"fine," he says and walks off.

I sit there and take a look around and remember sleeping here with Jo on nights when it was so cold and we thought we weren't going to make it some nights. Morgan was the only guy who let us sleep here without wanting anything other than have Jo sell his 'medicine'.

"bring back memories?" he asks as he sits back down with his laptop.

"Not the kind I like" I reply

"So what are we doing?" he asks and starts typing.

"Can you trace a number?" I ask writing down the number on a piece of scrap paper.

"Not anymore, they can see who is searching and trace us back," he says

I think and he talks "unless you call whoever and you hold on for a minute. Then we can possibly trace an IP address." he says 

"Okay I need this place to be quiet," I say and go over in the middle so that he doesn't pick up any side sounds.

"plug this in the phone and remember as soon as they pick up, we hold for sixty seconds," he says and I nod my head.

I dial the number and it rings this time. My breathing starts to get faster and My pulse is beating out of my head.

"Wow you are a quick one," Crimden says "If I had known that it would be this fast. I would have done it a long time ago," he says

"no, I haven't gotten it yet. I need to know where I drop it off." I say and look over at Morgan who is motioning me to hurry up.

"mmm I'll call you when your time is over," he says and it clicks.

I look at the phone and see that the call is ended and look back over at Morgan who is typing away fast. He quits and the printer goes off and a piece of paper comes out.

"Here you go, this should get you close to where she's at," he says and my I start smiling.

"Thank you!" I squeal and go and hug him. "You be careful Laura, that place is bad," he says and goes to grab something.

He comes back and something is in a small bag and he carefully hands it to me. "Remember how to shoot?" he says and I look back at him.

"yeah," I say and take the bag.

"There are two rounds in there, just in case," he says and I nod my head.

I walk towards the door with the bag ready to go- "Laura" he says, I stop and turn back around.

"Let me know if you need help," he says and I smile and nod my head.

I walk out to a hard figure and I look up to Brett.

"what the hell are you doing here?" I sneer and push past him. I stop in my tracks because how did he know.

"let me explain," he says, "No, you got a damn location on me" I roll my eyes and continue to walk towards my car.

"I needed to know if you were okay, and I saw that you were" he pauses "here and Jack called and told me what happened" and looks around, "and what's in that bag," he asks

I look at the bag and carefully set it on the passenger floor.

"Nothing, I'm busy trying to fin- I mean doing things for myself," I say and get in and he looks at me through the window and I drive off. I look in the rearview mirror and I feel guilty because he really is trying, so I turn the car back around and park next to his.

He looks at me confused and I get out.

"if I tell you this, please don't call the cops," I say and he looks at me. "It depends," he says.

"No, doesn't matter. Do not call the cops" I say and he nods his head. 

"Jo isn't dead," I say and look at the ground, "excuse me, what," he says.

"They did this because they want the papers from you" I finally say "they are holding her hostage" I finish.

"who's they?" he asks and he's clueless. "Crimden Simmons," I say and he stands there.

"Crimden and Wyatt Simmons?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Fuck!" he curses.

"something about land deeds and some other things. But I need those papers from you" I say and he walks away mumbling something.

"what, I can't hear you," I say. 

"I don't have those deeds anymore," he says and I walk toward him, hoping I misunderstood him.

"your kidding, right?" I laugh nervously.

"I sold it back to the person they bought it from. They were embezzling people's savings and had no mercy on them. I fired them because that isn't what my company does." He says and sits on the curb.

"She's alive and I know it, I heard her screaming," I say and he gets up.

"What if she isn't?" he asks and I shake my head at his words. I know she is, right?

"It could've been anyone screaming," he says and I get frustrated.

"No, I know it was her in the background. I know how she talks" I say and he comes and gives me a hug.

"Okay, okay I believe you. But you are not going alone," he says, and I no my head through his shirt.

"Let's get going," he says and we both leave in our vehicles.

"I'm going to put up a fight for you Jo," I say.

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