Laura 25.0

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We sat impatiently in the police station, waiting on answers. My leg bounces fast and I'm sitting here biting my nails and tears are still spilling out.

I look over and see Jack has his head in his hands, both of our hearts are broken. My sister slash mom is gone and I don't know how I can just forget her. Jack has only known her for some months and I can tell her really loved her and that she loved him the same maybe even more.

My thoughts are interrupted when the door comes swinging open, both we look at the officer and he motions for us to come in and Jack is the first one to jump up and practically runs into the room.

I sit down and the officer takes his sweet time, pouring himself a cup of coffee before sitting down.

He takes a sip and it's pissing me off because he is so slow! I hope he spills his coffee on his jeans. 

"come on man, what happened? I- we both need to know" Jack says and he is on the edge of his chair.

I grab Jack's hand and he somewhat calms down and it helps me calm down as well.

"Okay," he says and puts down his coffee and clears his throat, "we got a call around eleven, from what he says he was a cleaner for one of your maids and was helping. When they had discovered her in the tub," he says

I look down and I release my hand from his. Tears threatened again. I can't imagine what the maids are going through right now. Maids, Maids. I look at Jack and he is crying.

"do you have a name for that maid?" I ask "the guy who called it in." I restate.

"mmm, no we weren't able to," he says and takes another sip.

"But isn't that your job?" I ask "to take names of this kind of situation," I say and sit back and puts his hand on his belt.

"you look familiar," he says sitting back up and I sit back nervous as to where he might have seen me, but I already got a clue.

"didn't I arrest you about a year ago?" he asks

Is he serious right now?

I look at him and shake my head.

"yeah, you fucking pig. You arrested me and my dead friend for 'prostituting'" I spit 

He looks taken back and leans closer, "I don't like that tone," he says

"And I don't like you asshole. Something isn't adding up here and you know it, so stop Fucking around and help us find out what really happened." I yell and Jack puts a hand on my leg and I stop before I hit this ass.

"Look, whatever they did before, they did in survival. They are strong women. And Jo would never overdose on drugs. She isn't like that." Jack says and looks back at me nodding his head.

"Jo has never even touched drugs or ever mentioned it, ever," I repeat.

The cop looks at us back and forth before sighing, "I'll get an autopsy done. As soon as I get something. I promise to call." he says and takes another sip. This is pissing me off.

"let's go," Jack says and he gets up and I'm still sitting there looking at the pig. 

"I didn't know pigs like coffee," I remarked and bumped my leg on purpose on the table and the coffee spilled all over his computer and papers.

"Laura, I don't believe she overdosed on drugs. She has never given me a reason to think she would do that" Jack says and I shake my head.

"Me either. She never did any of those. She might've been around people that did those when she worked but I know for a fact that she would never ever do that" I say and we get in the car and drive back to the office.

"Go home and get some rest. If I get a phone call, you'd be the first to know" he says and I can tell he is broken and so am I. But I have to be strong until I know officially that Jo was on that damn stretch. Part of me wants to believe that it wasn't her, then the other thinks it was.

Jack gets out and I hop over to the driver's seat and watch him walk back into the building with his head hung low. 

I call Jo's number again and it goes to the full voicemail, I hang up and drive back home. I throw the phone on the ground and start hitting the steering wheel.

"Why does everything always bad happen to me!" I shout.

I sit in silence and my phone starts to vibrate, I tear up my front seat trying to find where I threw it. I find out and answer the phone without even seeing who it was.

"Hello?" I say and nothing on the other end. "Hello" I repeat

"Heard about your dear friend," the person says. I look around to see if anyone is looking at me and lock the doors.

"Who is this," I say and sink lower in my seat.

"You don't know I am by now?" they say

"I'll give you a hint," they say "we've met through your friend Marissa," they say and I try to remember who, and all that could come up was the two guys, Crimden and Wyatt.

I gasped and he hears it because he starts to laugh.

"I guess you figured it out," he says and I can hear a voice in the background. 

"What did you do," I say and I see Brett pull in.

"your friend never gave us the information that we needed from your guy," he says and I keep looking at Brett who is getting closer.

"Just tell me and I can get you what you want" I beg and start the car before Brett gets any closer.

"I want those deeds to the company, he'll know what I'm talking about," he says and I pull out before he reaches to knock.

"Laura!" he shouts as I look in the rearview mirror.

"What else," I say and continue to drive.

"That's all. And you can have your friend back safe and sound," he says and it goes quiet before I hear screaming and yelling.

"Laura please help!" Jo screams and I can't help but pull over and slam my brakes.

"don't hurt her, please" I beg.

"I won't even touch her-" he pauses, "unless you fail to get me those papers, oh and no cops or your loves birds," he says "or all of you will die," he says and hangs up.

I try to call the number back but the signal drops every time, he's got a burner phone.

Then whose body did he put in the tub?

I search for the police and dial the number.

"Hello, this is Tula's police department. How can I help you?" the woman says

"Hi can I speak to a detective Dexter Morgan," I ask 

"He's out right now, can I take a message?" she asks

"that's fine. Can you tell me where they take the homicide bodies to for autopsy?" I ask hoping she could tell me.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you that kind of information," she says

I roll my eyes and think for a second.

"do you know when he'll be back?" I ask getting frustrated by the second.

"tomorrow," she says

"Okay thanks," I say and hang up

I look through my contacts which have only forty-seven names. I think of one person and I don't think he's alive anymore but it won't hurt to try and see.

Here goes me driving two hours to the middle of nowhere.

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