Mr & Mrs. Brett Tyler

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Looking down at my white gown, and look up to see someone in the reflection of the mirror that I have never seen before. It was my own, she was beautiful and I smiled.

The door opened and quickly turn around to see Jo.

"Oh my goodness Laura!" she tears up and I try not my best not to without ruining the makeup that the makeup artist took her time on.

"I have never seen myself look this way,.. ever!" I smile and start blushing at my own words.

She shakes her head and grabs ahold of my hand.

She takes a minute and just stares at me, I know she's going to say something. "Baby, I have always seen you as a princess, my little princess," she says and pulls me into a hug and this time the tears come down.

Jo is the only person that I don't regret meeting from the streets of Tulsa. She's my angel in disguise and I'm so glad that I can call her my own mom and my friend.

We pull away at the same time and she wipes my tears away and I do the same with her.

"Let's get you walking so that I can cry even more when I see you down that walkway," she laughs and I nod my head.


A woman hands me the flowers that I and Jo had picked out together because I felt it was important for her to be there with me when I was planning the wedding.

"Remember what we have planned?" she asked

I nod my head and my hands get sweaty, nervous about what Brett will look like. I've seen him a million times in suits, but for some reason at this moment. I can't even remember what he looks like. 

I feel my body getting chills from the wind, and I start to feel dizzy.

"you got this, I believe in you." a voice says and I open my eyes to see Jack and Jo on the side smiling at me, and I all of a sudden calm down.

I send a smile in return and they disappear into the chapel.

"I'll count to three on my fingers when I whisper three. You walk honey," she says sending me a recurring smile.

I let out a breath and I wait for her to whisper three.

"let's do it," she says on her earpiece. 

"One, Two, and Three" she whispers and slowly opens the doors and disappears behind them.

I look up and all I see is him, no one else but him.

My body feels calm and all I can think about is yearning for his touch, his soft touch. I walk down the long aisle and all eyes are on me and I smile at every camera that I make eye contact with. Making sure that I get good memories of this special day.

This is it. The day that I have never thought would happen for me, I smile because I have met my soulmate and I met someone who I want to spend the rest of my life with. Brett Tyler is who I want to love for the rest of my life as long as I live.

I start to get closer to the alter and my heart does flips and I feel so secure now that I have him right in front of me. 

Jo comes up and takes my flowers and I look at Brett and he smiles and winks. I look away and I start to blush like the first time all over again.

" Good afternoon. Brett, Laura, and I would like to welcome everyone on this gorgeous day. It's because of all of you—because of this strong community—Brett and Laura's relationship has strengthened and grown and led them to this very moment. Thank you for being here, now let's begin. You may all be seated," he says and mostly it was his side and mostly work friends on both of our sides. Jo and Jack sat on my side and it made me smile because she's the only family I'll ever need to live on.

The officiant starts off with a bible verse about marriage and a strong relationship with god and I know Brett is rolling his eyes inside.

"The couple has made their own wedding vowels," he says and backs up a little.

Brett pulls out his letter and clears his throat.

" Laura, today I say, "I do" but to me, that means, "I will." I will take your hand and stand by your side in the good and the bad. I dedicate myself to your happiness, success, and smile. I will love you forever. You are my every dream come true, and I can't wait for the reality we get to build together. I promise to be your guiding light in the darkness, a warming comfort in the cold, and a shoulder to lean on when life is too much to bear on your own. I vow to always protect you from harm, to stand with you against your troubles, and to look to you when I need protection. My life is forever entangled with yours from this day on. My dreams are your dreams, and I'll build them all around you. Forever with you simply will not be enough, but from this day forward, I vow to make the most of every moment. I take you as mine, knowing and loving all of your strengths and faults, just as I offer myself to you as yours with all of my strengths and faults. I will be there for you in your times of need, just as I know I can turn to you when I need a guiding hand. Give me your hand, and I will give you forever." He finishes and tears are forming in his eyes and so do mine. 

I reach over and catch his tears before they fall and for a second, he lets his head rest in the palm of his hand.

"And now for the bride," says the officiant.

I look around and back at Brett who is still teary-eyed and I can tell that he meant every word that he just spoke.

I don't pull out a letter or an index card. I have rehearsed this since he first asked me to marry him. Jo wanted to help, but I couldn't let her know what was fixing to be said.

"Brett, you make me laugh, you make me think, and above all, you make me happy. I promise to be your navigator, best friend, and wife. I promise to honor, love and cherish you through all life's adventures. Wherever we go, we'll go together. You love me in love and complete me in ways I never knew possible. From this day forth, I promise to listen to you and learn from you, support you and accept your support. I will celebrate your successes and mourn your losses as though they were my own. I will love you, my husband, and rejoice in your love for me for all of the years of our lives. "There is no remedy for love," says Thoreau, "but to love more". Today and forever, I will follow his advice and seek my remedy in your arms." I finish and hear sniffles through the chapel and see jo in the corner of my eyes. I already know she is bawling her eyes out.

" Do you Brett Tyler, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?" he says and I look at brett.

"I do," he says and he smiles through his tears.

" Do you Laura Matthews, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?" he says and I smile so hard it hurts.

"I do," I say.

"If we can have the rings," he says and Jack and Jo walk up with the rings and Jo stands behind me and Jack does the same with Brett.

Brett slide the ring on my finger and it sparkled more than it did before. I slide his ring on and he rubs my finger as I do so.

We both look at the Officiant and he grabs both our hands. Brett grabs both of my hands and I'm so ready to kiss the love of my life.

"May God bless you and keep you. Brett and Laura Tyler by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Groom, you may kiss the bride." he says

I look at brett and he leaned and grabbed my cheeks and our lips collided and he held onto me for what felt like a million years. I cupped his cheek and fell in love all over again with him as I kissed him harder.

I am now Mrs. Laura Tyler.

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