Laura 3.0

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The next day I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs and slowly open my eyes and see some people awake and some still asleep "they cook breakfast every morning for anyone who stays here" a woman covered in dirt and bloodstains speaks.  I nod my head and put my shoes on and grab my stuff which was only my shoes and toothbrush " are you not going to stay and eat?" the woman asks "no" I respond and walk out of the room where I slept at.

"miss, breakfast is done if you would like to get a plate before you head out," an old lady says making me stop and look at her, she's really cute for an old lady, she's got her hair in a braid and little bit of makeup on and her Sunday clothes on. "Is this charity?" I ask making her smile, why is she smiling for? does she think this is funny? "No honey, we do this as a group and help others who need a place to sleep and eat" she says handing me a plastic plate and silverware. "help yourself, please" she begged me, I took the plate and filled it with so much food that if I portioned it and saved it, it would be good for the next two days.

"have an apple?" a little girl asked me "thank you but no thanks" I reply and grab a water and walk out the building onto the street and start walking to my favorite place.

After it felt like hours I finally arrive at my place, the lake, it was beautiful and quiet where I can gather my thoughts and calm down. I found my tree where I always sit at and plopped down and began munching on my food with beautiful scenery in front of me.

"damn this is so good" I exaggerate as I throw my head back in pleasure at how good this food really is to me. " You seem to be enjoying yourself there" I hear and quickly look up and dropped my food on the ground making me upset and sad. "Look what you did asshole!" I yell and quickly pick my food up and put it back onto the plate.

"Don't eat that, that disgusting" the unknown presence says "yeah well you shouldn't walk up on people like that, especially when they're eating" I retorted "I'm sorry, I'll buy you another plate" the person claims I look up and see dark brown eyes and dark-colored hair, this person isn't homeless I don't think, I scratch my head and observe the person a little more " are you done checking me out?" The presence asked making me come back to the realization that I was checking them out a little bit "sorry" was all I could say.

"Are you homeless?" the unknown person asked, I scoff and slap them right in the face "I'm sorry If I offended you?" they said and kept following me "quit following me you creep" I say and walked faster "just let me talk first?" the person asked and I stopped and turned around " don't come any closer, I can hear you just fine from where you are standing" I retorted "I help the homeless get off the street by giving them jobs around here?" it says with a soft smile making me feel uneasy "why? why do you want to help us homeless, don't you have anything better to do?" I ask with my eyebrows scuffed together making me look aggressive which I don't think it's working because he starts to laugh "why are you laughing?" I ask with my arms crossed "because you look funny the way you have your eyebrows, are you trying to intimidate me?" it asks getting closer to me, I back up slowly with every step it takes towards me.

"no, I'm just curious that's all" I say with attitude "did you just give me attitude?" it says "no" I answer "look we can talk about this over some lunch since I kinda ruined yours" it says making me roll my eyes "Kinda? you did ruin my food that could've lasted me for 2 days" I scoffed "it would've went to waste anyway because of the cold weather and you have no microwave" it says making me feel unworthy because they knew me so well and knew what I didn't have.

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