Laura 19.0

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"where would you like to go?" Jack asks as he drives off and I peek in the side view mirror and see Brett standing outside running his hand through his hair and Andrea walking over to console him. 

I don't think it's the best idea to be with Brett in this environment. I'm underage, he's married, and did I mention I am underage?

"let's go get some lunch" I boldly say

he laughs and nods his head. 

I think about jo and wonder if he would be okay with her coming along as well, or that maybe he felt he was going on a date. I look out the window and see buildings and cars pass by and a couple of people walking their dogs out and about.

I fiddle with my phone and decide whether or not I wanted to text her to meet us there but then I remember that she doesn't have a car or enough money to get one of those Ubers to drop her off.

But I really want to spend time with Jo, considering I haven't seen her in a bit since the day I came back. And was surprised to hear that those guys were wanting to know some information about what Brett has been doing in business. He never fully explained why they wanted those contracts so badly.

My phone buzzes and it's from a random number, so I don't answer. It keeps vibrating and I keep hitting the decline button and a message pops up from the unknown number.

555-545-555: Call me now

I scrunch my eyebrows and think about who this might be but no person comes to mind because no one has this number other than Jo and Manual. But I know he wouldn't give it away. I stare at it for a moment and another message pops ups.

555-545-555: Laura

I quickly turn the phone off, scared as to who this might be and I start to think that maybe it's Wyatt or Crimden. 

Jack keeps looking over and he starts to get curious because he keeps doing so.

"Is everything alright?" he asks

"what?" I say and realize what he meant "oh yeah I'm fine, still thinking about the situation back there" referring to what literally happened several minutes ago.

"don't worry about it too much, Andrea is kind of a bitch. She's nice at first and then she's like a lion ready to eat all the damn time." he jokes

I see the moment coming into sight and I hurry and make a decision.

"can you pull into there" I blurt out and he steps on the breaks and we both go forward. I lunged forward and my seatbelt catches me. "I am so sorry!" I say 

"it's okay, I'm fine, you're fine, it's all good," he says and makes an illegal u-turn and pulls into the motel.

I look around to make sure I don't see either of those guys and get out. But before I do Jack pulls on my arm I look down and see him, he looks worried.

"I'm fine, can I take a friend with us?" I ask

he nods and lets go of my arm.

I grab my phone and wallet and walk up the stairs still looking behind every second to make sure they aren't sneaking up on me.

I reach jo's door and knock softly to see if I can hear any voices.

I hear movements and walk back slowly ready to run down the flight of stairs.

The door opens and I am relieved.

"Hey you," she says and pulls me into a tight hug. I exhale and fold into the hug and I hugged back even tighter.

"you alright? you seem off the edge." she says pulling away from the hug

"will everyone quit saying that. I'm fine, literally." I sighed and pulled my hair behind my ears.

"what are you doing here so early, though you said later on tonight," she says and I look at her and can tell she hasn't showered yet.

"I know and I'm sorry, I kinda wanted to get some lunch and hang out for the rest of the day." I smiled.

"well Laura I had some plans already for this afternoon and I canceled tonight for us and I'm not even ready" she laughs and fluffs her hair.

I look over the balcony and make sure that Jack hasn't left.

"is that him?" Jo asked covering up and looking over. I watch her eyes and they go big.

"Laura! is that him" she squealed.

I put my hand over her mouth and she bites it. "ow!" I shriek

she laughs and leans against the door. "well look at you, I'm proud of you" she says and starts smiling.

"I'll pay you" I announced

She looks at me and stops smiling and shifts her weight onto the other leg.

"seriously?" she asks with her arms crossed.

"yes, three times more than what those low lives give you," I promise.

She takes a final look and nods her head. "take your time, I'll be down there waiting." I say and walk away.

I get back inside the car and Jack looks at me waiting for an explanation.

"can we wait a little longer? she's getting ready." is all I say and look back on the phone and see that I got more messages from the unknown number. I decided to text back.

555-645-555: Who is this?

I wait for a moment and it texts back.

555-545-555: Who else would it be. 

I sit and still think and I look over at Jack who is completely into his own phone.

555-645-555: Look dude, I don't know who this is. I think you got the wrong laura, sorry.

I sent and they were quick to send one back.

555-545-555: It's brett

I scoff and roll my eyes.

555-645-555: leave me alone!

555-545-555: as much as I would love to, I can't. 

555-645-555: control your wife first.

555-545-555: she's her own muse. I don't want to ruin that.

555-645-555: she told me that you only took me in because of your charity cases and that if I ever talked over her that she would handle me and quit making payments to the shelters.

555-545-555: I'm sorry on her behalf, really. Can you please come back? and we talk about this.

555-645-555: no and is true?

555-545-555: no, Laura it's not. It's more than that and I can tell you if you come back.

555-545-555: she left, just come back.

is he serious right now?

555-645-555: no, I'm hanging out with jack ;)

555-545-555: Laura you better not be! I will hunt you down and bring you back here and beat his ass.

555-645-555: why? we look like the same AGE!

555-545-555: don't start this shit with me.

I ignored the rest of the messages he sends after the last one. 

"Hey!" Jo exclaimed.

I look in the back seat and she looks good when she dresses in normal civilian clothes.

"jack this Marissa, Marissa this is jack," I say and jo smiles at me for saying her cover name.

"Nice to meet you, are you ladies ready for lunch?" he asks.

Jo and I look at each other and we both nod our heads.

"Alright, let's go" Jack grinned and sped out of the parking lot.

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