Laura 16.0***

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"Hi yes I reserved a table for two," Brett says as he grabs a hold of my hand, taking me out of my thoughts.

I look at him and he smiles. 

Looking around I see a lot of men and women all over each other and a few who are looking in my direction, mostly my body. 

we sit down in a corner away from everybody and it has a view of the city.

"best spot in the house." the gentleman says 

I nod my head in agreement.

"what can I start you guys off with today?" he asked

I have never had alcohol in my life, so I wasn't sure what to ask or say I wanted. All I knew was Sprite and cole, and water of course. 

I look at brett who is looking at me.

I shrug my shoulders.

he looks down and smiles and back at the waiter.

"I'll start with Grande Annee rose 1999. And for her, she'll take a glass of Voss," he says and the waiter nods his head and walks off.

I stare at him because he just got me water, I want a damn drink myself after what just happened.

"what?" he bluntly says

"what if I wanted a drink," I say putting my hands on the table

he picks up the awfully fancy menu with only like six things.

he peeks at me from the top of the menu and I give him a look like "did u hear me'

"you are not 21, plus you don't need it." he says still looking at the menu

"after what just happened to me in the lounge, I think we both know I need a drink." I shake my head.

"fine, but I'll order it," he says putting the menu down.

"fine," I say and lean back on the chair and look out the window. "Want to order my food as well?" I sarcastically ask

He looks at me with an eyebrow raised. 

"If I must Miss. Matthews" he spits out.

I look the other way.

The waiter comes back with our drinks "excuse me, can I also get a bottle of Red satin as well." he says and my face goes up in scrunch.

what is red satin?

the waiter leaves.

"what is red satin?" I ask

"it's wine, it's made with a blend of Petit Syrah and Syrah grapes." he confidently says

"whatever that is, I hope it's good," I say

"it will," he says "did you want to go look around the city before our last meeting tomorrow?" he asks

my heart starts beating because I've been dying to go visit the city since we've landed. All I've seen are buildings and old men arguing about money and contracts.

"yes please!" I cheered. I look around and see people giving me stares "sorry," I say and my smile fades.

"We can go after we eat dinner. Try not to drink too much of that wine," he says and the waiter pours it into the glass in front of him. 

"Thanks," brett says and the waiter goes away.

he slides the wide glass over to me and all of a sudden I feel nervous about drinking it. Maybe I shouldn't but I didn't want him to be mad that I made him order that. 

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