Laura 18.0

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I walk into my office and see the new stack of papers from Brett and sigh. I love this job, but honestly, I get tired of having to turn around for a sec and see that there is more than what I can handle. And he has the audacity to tell me that all thousand of these papers are due by the end of the week, there is no way in hell that is happening.

I groan and pick up the stack of papers and walk down the hall to his office. I don't even knock, I walk in and see him and Andrea talking.

I stop in my tracks and they both turn to look at me brett gives me this look that he is happy that I walked in. Oh shit, They are both pissed.

"Do you not know how to knock?" Andrea shouts

I stand there like a frozen dummy, I try to move my legs but they wouldn't go. So, I awkwardly stand there.

She walks over to me and looks me in the eyes and I can feel my body burning and the smell of her sweet perfume.

"I'm sorry" was I could say

She scoffs and starts laughing

"go back to your work and bring me Voss or some Fiji water, something please" she groans and plops down in her chair. I look over at brett and he looks away and back to work.

"anything for you Mr. Tyler?" I ask and he looks to the side 

"If he wanted something, he'd let you know" Andrea speaks, I nod my head and walk out.

I turn around and see dress shoes and slowly look up and reveal a much more handsome man. "Woah," I say out loud. 

he clears his throat "Hi there" he says and I almost fall to my knees.

I look around and realize that this man just walked right on in, like no other.

"how how- did you get in?" I ask looking around the corner.

"I am going to assume the cleaning lady did" he smiles

I look back at the door and I didn't want to interrupt again and get yelled at by her. "Let's walk into my office and we can talk." I motion for him to follow me.

we walk and I pull the papers close to my chest and I feel nervous all over again.

I take a sit and move my hand to let him know that he can take a seat as well.

"Okay, Mr?" I say and he looks surprised that I don't know him

"Gilinsky, Jack Gilinsky" he states and crosses his legs. I take a sec to look and he is quite extravagant.

"Mr. Gilinsky, how can I help you," I say and get my pen ready.

"well, I was hoping to talk with your lovely boss," he says tapping his knee.

I look at his lips as every word comes out and the way his voice sounds. His features are very strong and I feel so warm on the inside as he continues to talk.

"and that I needed to meet him here at his home office, I suppose." he finishes.

"uh yes, well right now he is quite busy with another client" referring to Andrea, "would you like some water or anything while you wait?" I ask

"you got any bourbon?" he asks and I stare at him because it's eleven in the afternoon.

"yes, yes I do. I'll be back shortly." I say and walk out.

I let out a breath and started smiling. 

I pull out my phone and call Jo. She answers 

"what" she drags out "it's eleven in the morning." she yawns

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