Laura 20.0

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I'm a few hours and drinks in and I think I'm starting to feel the 'buzz' that everyone always talks about. I looked behind me and see jack and jo laughing at whatever the conversation might've been. "hi" I say to the guy that is behind the bar, "I was wanting to get the tab" I glance back over at the table and before I return my gaze towards the bartender, I see a dark figure in the shadows. 

My view is blurry from the amount of alcohol that I consumed minutes ago, I squint my eyes and try my best to figure out who it was, but no luck.

"It's been taken care of" he replies

I shake my head "wait what" 

"yeah a gentleman came in and put a credit on the tab and I was told to let the credit run up," he says in this monotone voice that just irks me.

I roll my eyes and thank him and take the receipt.

"Guys I think we need to get going." I slur and almost fall over but caught my balance.

Jo and Jack start laughing and then all of a sudden jack quit and straightened up. He looked so funny, "what's wrong with you, you act like you've seen a ghost." I laugh, and then jo quit and I have never seen her quit laughing that fast.

I freeze and feel the presence behind me.

A voice clears and I turn around and I am met with a tall figure with a similar scent. I didn't want to, but I looked up and it was brett beaming down on me like some street light.

I groan and shove past him. "Laura let me take you home" he stated

I stop in my tracks and now I have a headache.

"I don't have a home" I sigh and look to the side and push open the doors and start walking down the sidewalk.

"Just let me take you back to my place, alright," he says and keeps walking 

my headache is getting worse and jo's place is twenty minutes away. Someone with a headache, I doubt they want to walk that far. I stand there and think about whether I should go back with brett or just go back with the jack and sleep on the couch.

But then again I don't want jack to get hurt, because I know Brett will.

"fine!" I shout and start walking towards what I thought was his vehicle

"over here," he says and starts holding me and puts his hand on the lower part of my back. 

"Laura! is it okay if I go home with your wonderful handsome friend of yours?" Jo shouts from the bar as I get into the car.

"Why are you here?" I asked Brett

"I could ask you the same thing" he replies. He grips his hands on the steering wheel and I become worried.

"Is everything alright?" I ask 

Nothing. Like always, he never expresses anything, not even a laugh or just to joke around.

We drive back in silence and we pulled into the driveway, only for me to groan at the sight of Andrea standing at the front door with her arms crossed like an angry mother.

"oh god," I mumbled.

I get out of the car and walk up the steps Andrea starts talking, great.

"do you have any idea how late it is? Brett and I were so worried about you, he wouldn't even go to bed until he found where you were at." she snapped.

I laughed and got to her face.

"you. are. not. my. fucking. mother!" I screamed.

"Okay, that's enough!" Brett shouted and both of us jumped and looked at him. "Andrea go inside" he orders.

"Are you serious right now?" she scoffs and walks inside.

"what is it that you want to talk about now?" I say and take a sit on the steps and he does the same. But he looks uncomfortable as he raises his dress pants up so that he can sit properly.

we are both touching shoulders and I sit there staring at the flowers and roses.

"I told her" he breaks the silence.

I Look all over the ground and I feel my insides getting warm and the back of my throat is filling up with liquid. I think I might vomit, I swallow the liquid and get the awful aftertaste.

"about me and you in the room?" I turn to look to look at him.

"not that, I couldn't get myself to tell her. I just told her that I had an attraction to you." he says and grabs a hold of my hand and starts to rub them.

I look him him and shake my head.

"this is all so wrong, i just ruined a marriage. I have been in this kind of a situation before." I say and stand up "This happened all so fast." I pause. "I have money, a lot of it now." I begin " So much that I don't know what to do with it" I begin to cry.

"i'm not the kind of girl that sleeps with married men." I sniffle and wipes my tears.

their was silence for a few minutes. The only sounds you could hear was the sound of our breathing, almost like we were in sync.

I begin to think that maybe I need to have my own place and not be close to Brett and his marriage. I should have never mixed pleasure with business. 

"I need my own place." I say breaking the silence.

He looks at me but I don't, I stare ahead. "I looked at a few places for you, that are close so that you won't drive so far." he states

I nod my head "thank you" I uttered.

"I'll call first thing in the morning, and the car." he whispers.

I didn't respond I just got up and try to make it inside without falling.

"he's fallen in love with you" a voice mumbled.

I stop on the staircase and looked into the living room to see andrea sitting under the light with a glass of wine in her hand.

"excuse me?" I say and walk over to where she was.

"I said, He's fallen in love with you." she recalls

I shake my head and walk back over to the stairs.

"he has never looked at me or showed concern for me like the way he shows you." she shouts and I roll my eyes and slam the door shut.

You can hear the shouting begin from the two downstairs and I hear my name repeat over and over coming out of Andrea's mouth.

I don't even change clothes I just hop into bed and feel asleep.

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