Chapter 1 : A New Beginning

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8 Months Later

"WHOAAAAAAAAAA, I can't believe I finally made it!!! It's actually... the Raimon Jr.High..."

The rather short boy pinched his cheek in disbelief, then began to hop around in front of the gate. Ignoring the glances from the other students, the boy continued to race around with mirth written all over his face, and a look of pure content was written on his face, though he did appear a tad foolish at the same time.

Finally stopping to take a breath, the boy looked down and clenched his fist...

"Finally...finally... I'll finally be able to play soccer on the same field as them...This is the best day of my life" he whispered to himself.

Slapping his cheeks to hype himself up, the boy made a brisk dash into the school.


"Soccer... soccer... soccer..."

"Hey, could you cut out tapping your feet so loudly"

"Oh, sorry. I'm just really looking forward to joining the soccer club here at Raimon after school" he replied to the girl sitting next to him in class with a broad smile plastered onto his face.

The girl rolled her eyes before replying in a voice dripping with sarcasm,

"Oh, I couldn't tell after you've been muttering soccer under your breath for only the past 30 minutes"

"It's only been 30 minutes??? I don't believe this..."

The boy's voice began to trail off as he smushed his face on the desk despondently. Seeing this, the girl sitting next to him began to roll her eyes again but stopped herself.

She huffed, then puffed her cheeks and yelled at him

"You're gonna be in trouble you know!"


"If my eyes get stuck back there... I've never rolled my eyes so many times in less than a minute before!"

"Is it my turn to roll my eyes?" the boy asked cheekily

"You cheeky little–"

"My name's Yuka Fukunaga, what's yours?"

(Note : I will be keeping names in First Name Last Name order for the Western folks, but they will address most of each other by their last names in accordance with Japanese anime/culture. When addressing them in third person for narration I will be using first names)

"Ikue... Ikue Sada"

The boy grinned and opened his mouth to speak but they both turned as they heard the professor call out

"You two! At the back!"

"Sorry" They both replied in unison, then turned to face the teacher again.


"I haven't seen you around town before, are you new here?" asked Ikue in between bites as she continued to munch on her bento.

"Yup... I... Just moved.... From Okinawa... last month...ahhh"

Yuka gave off a refreshing sigh of relief as he gulped his water quickly.

Ikue rolled her eyes and scolded him "You can eat a little slower you know Fukunaga-kun"

Yuka ignored her and continued to devour his lunch in enormous bites, resembling a hippo, and continued

"I've been wanting to play soccer at Raimon since I saw them win at Holy Road 5 years ago...Raimon's soccer is just amazing!! It's like pow, and boom boom, then bam bam bam ya know Sada-san?"

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now