Chapter 8 : I'll Protect You

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Minutes Before Match with Seidouzan

Mika had been stunned to read the results of her investigation that she had gotten from Edmund. While she was sure her mother would be impressed by his younger brother's cunning to be able to pressure his brother to pay for his surgeries, Mika felt a bit sick as she was reading the reports. With an unreadable expression on her face, she turned to check on Galahad who was sitting on the bench with shoulders hunched over.

Looking at his palpable gloominess and seeing all vestiges of his characteristic warm smile completely wiped from his face Mika felt a pang of guilt as she looked at the boy. She had simply intended to help him if he was dealing with something by himself but even she had never expected for things to become like they were.

Uncharacteristically fretting, Mika gave a deep sigh, she had never dealt with something like this before and her tutors had never prepared her for a situation like this. Unsure of what to do, she walked over to the despondent boy who didn't even notice her.

She took a small breath in before awkwardly patting his head a few times.

Surprised, she saw his emerald-green eyes widen in shock as he attempted to put a smile on his face before giving her a look of confusion.

Mika coughed at his confusion and muttered to herself

"Is this not it?"

The only memory she had that seemed pertinent to this situation was her nanny patting her head after she had been left at home by her parents during the first Christmas she could remember when she was 3 but judging by his reaction she didn't think this was right.

She coughed again and looked at him closely.

Not even realizing that she had a rather mournful expression on her face she hesitantly asked him,

"How...long are you going to live for someone else?"

A touch of sorrow shadowed Mika's face as she bent over to talk to Galahad, however the boy couldn't look her in the eye and didn't say anything.

Mika went through her memories trying to remember anything that comforted her before grabbing his cheeks and forcing him to look her in the eyes.

Stunned by her forcefulness, Galahad's eyes began to shake as he sputtered out

"M-Mika, What are you–?"

"I'll protect you"

Mika let go of his cheeks before spinning around and getting ready for the match.


Present, Raimon Stadium

"Galahad what are you doing??" cried Taro Omori, one of the 3rd year Raimon defenders.

Shaking his head he looked up only to see a ball heading straight towards him he flinched and prepared for the impact when...

[THAT ONE IS GOING TO STING FOLKS! Mika Kuroha rushes to take the ball for fellow forward Galahad Yozora who is standing around dazed during this fierce match. Just what is going on inside his head?]

Mika turned to check that Galahad was okay before quickly going back up the field to try to break through Seidouzan's defense once more.

Seeing this Galahad clenched his fist as he recalled the words Edgar had spoken to him in the restaurant.

"Even if my body has to shatter I'd rather that, than let down the people who are relying on me"

"I didn't eye you as someone so pathetic"

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now