Chapter 13 : The Weirdo Next Door

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3 Days Before the Match with Teikoku Gakuen, After Practice

"Servant boy! Servant boy!"

Snapping her fingers, Serika made a 'Come Hither' motion with her hands while she beckoned Galahad.

Trying not to groan Galahad said goodbye to Hyun-Ki who headed to the changing room first while he begrudgingly began to walk over to Serika.

" do know that I have a name right?"

"Do you?"

"Afuro-san, I know you know my name...I heard you complaining about me to Mika just the other day."

Rolling her eyes, Serika decided to ignore that before haughtily telling him

"Congratulations, I have graciously decided to allow you to be my first official servant. Feel free to celebrate on your own time."


"Thanks, but I'm going to have to pass on that. Besides I saw you telling everyone the same thing during practice today so I know I'm your last choice for this anyway"


Grabbing his stuff and throwing it over his shoulder, Galahad turned around to head back into the changing room so he could get back to his dorm room when he heard a loud


Before he could make his way to leave Galahd saw a yellow blur as Serika dashed in front of him and held her arms out to force him to stop. With her hair flying around everywhere and a fire in her eyes Galahad backed away with a bit of fear in his step. He knew she was crazy but she wasn't usually this crazy.


Trying not to sigh, Galahad tried to walk around the skinny girl but was met with a repeat of before with her dashing in front of him to stop him.


"Please...I don't want to lose again Galahad..."

Watching big angry tears begin to well up in her eyes, Galahad put down his stuff before patting down on the grass next to him.

Sniff Sniff Sniff

Watching Serika bawling beside him, Galahad felt a bit awkward and decided to wait patiently for the girl to stop crying.

"You want to talk about it? Maybe talking it out would help"

"What sniff sniff would a servant boy sniff sniff know about anything?"

"Nothing unless you tell me, so how about this. You can just treat me like a wall, I'll be completely silent and just sit here". He paused, waiting for her to stop crying and calm down enough to speak.

"I know you like Mika so if you're being nice just to score points with her or in order to get help getting her to notice you, you better give up now because there's no way I'm letting someone as elegant and graceful as Mika date a leech like you."

Processing what he had just heard, Galahad's brain began to overheat and everything from his neck upwards began to turn a scarlet red.

"W-What the heck are you saying right now Afuro? I don't like Mika, I mean I like Mika, just not that way. It's just respect you know, mutual respect as friends so don't get the wrong idea. We're friends!! I'm not thinking about anything like... ughhhhh"

Groaning, Galahad decided to give up knowing she probably wouldn't believe him and buried his face in his hands.

Looking at him like he was pitiful, Serika was merciless.

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