Chapter 37 : Never-ending Nightmare

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Hissatsu Tactics : Grave of a Ruined World!!

Overcome by a sense of foreboding, Mika made eye contact with Serika who was too preoccupied with the cracked tombstones to notice her. While they had expected Outei to have yet to be revealed tactics, that didn't make it any easier for them at the moment and as if on cue, the earth burst due to the force of an army of skeletal hands that arose from beneath them to trap the Raimon players' feet within their bony hold.

Mika struggled for a few moments to free herself from the bind but was forced to watch as Nosaka leisurely sent the ball towards Senna who was waiting in a relaxed stance outside of the wretched graveyard for the ball. Then, looking back at their formation, she frowned slightly trying to figure out what had gone wrong.

Yuka was right beside her, and he was in no position to score or progress the ball from here.

Tamaki was currently being marked by Makoto and Galahad could move in to support if need be...

Serika was covering the central region that Raimon was looking to protect...

However, seeing Gabriel moving to block Haizaki, who was now operating in the frontline, it dawned on her seeing the Raimon members barricaded within the bounds of the halfspaces.

"It can't be..."

Sky Walk!

Senna nimbly leaped over Gabriel who was still stuck within the confines of 'Grave of a Ruined World' and gave a sharp kick across the field to Okumi.

"Don't even think about missing you big oaf!" Senna screeched like a dying seagull.

"If my biggest fan is cheering me on, I can't possible fail!" spouted Okumi confidently before winking and making a v-pose with her fingers.

Dark Keshin : Titan of the Ocean, Yu-Kiang!

Deep Sea Call!


Though Hyun-Ki struggled with the powerful waves and crashing water for a few moments, as Mika had expected, she was met by the sight of the bespectacled goalkeeper being blown into the net while the announcer began to scream enthusiastically into the microphone.

[GOAL! GOAL! GOALLLL!!! Despite Raimon's efforts to seal off Outei's passing options, captain Yuuma Nosaka is holding a masterclass in tactics! Starting today, it looks like we'll have to call him the Emperor of Tactics with the skills he's showing off here at Holy Road Stadium!]

"That...that was incredible." Galahad said with awe dripping from his voice.

It was almost impossible to be mad that Outei had scored a point off them so quickly, considering the perfection by which Nosaka had analysed their formation, found the weak point and was able to execute the exact counter while accounting for the abilities of his teammates.

"That's not possible..." Serika muttered breathlessly as she attempted to readjust her plans based on what she had just observed play out in front of her.

There was absolutely no way that Nosaka should have been able to counter their new formation so quickly!! It was as if the Outei Tsukinomiya captain had already seen their formation before and prepared a countermeasure before Serika could even make it!

"We knew this was going to be a challenge, Serika, calm down." reminded Mika gently, seeing the rising agitation in Serika's eyes.

"I am calm!" shouted Serika indignantly before looking down sheepishly and speaking up again with a hint of abashment in her voice,

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