Chapter 28 : The King of Beasts

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9 Years Ago, Hakuren Kids Football Club

Wow, Ryoga-kun! That was amazing!"

Ryoga scratched his nose in embarrassment as the Orphanage Director Tanaka-san ruffled his hair, while promising to treat them all to Tonkatsu after the match.

"Stop messing up my hair, Jii-san! It wasn't that amazing..."

Despite saying this, Ryoga felt a surge of pride swell up within him. They had completely demolished the opposing team in the friendly that had just wrapped up and Ryoga knew he was going to be the best player Hakuren had ever seen.

It was only a matter of time after all.

Having never lost a single match or one v. one since he started playing football, by now, Ryoga had become used to the adulation and praise thrown at him left and right from teammates, coaches and local reporters.

"Once in a Generation Genius."

"Future Inazuma Japan Representative"

"The Next Fubuki Shirou"

Though Ryoga didn't think Fubuki Shirou was quite at his level, he supposed they needed someone who could possibly compare to his talent so he guessed Fubuki would do for now.

However, Ryoga was aiming higher.

He was going to be the best defender the world had ever seen.

No, the best defender of all time! The absolute best in history!

One Month Later

Huff Huff Huff

"Wow, that was pretty fun! I guess it wouldn't hurt to stretch my legs out every once in a while after all!" said a girl with a hint of chime-like laughter mixed in her light voice that rang through the field like a songbird.

Panting heavily, sweat was dripping from every pore in his body despite the cool temperature, and Ryoga's red eyes looked upwards into the closed eyes of the girl who was standing over him. Ryoga had never experienced such humiliation in his entire life of 6 years!! Left kneeling on the ground due to his utter exhaustion, Ryoga's hands began to drag into the ground as he struggled to lift his body upwards while the girl with long, white hair tied in a high ponytail stared at him curiously while blocking the sun with her head.

"Need some help?"

Hearing the innocent question however only made Ryoga more furious, and feeling rage mix into his boiling blood, he slapped her hand away and got back up on his own.

Ryoga could hardly believe this girl had gotten past him so easily and scored single handedly without any help from her teammates. It was impossible! It had to be a fluke...there was no other explanation. Though he had only starting this year, Ryoga had trained more diligently than anyone else he knew and he had heard that this stupid girl had only started playing two weeks ago according to his teammates.

And despite Ryoga telling himself that it was just a simple fluke...

That day...

Ryoga learned what a true genius was.

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[Nayoro KFC vs Hakuren KFC ends 8-1! Great job to both teams!]

3 Years Later, Hakuren Mountains


Ryoga's short legs were moving so quickly he almost lost control over his body but managed to right himself before he could trip as he chased the two bears that were currently running away from him after a fierce battle in the snowy alpine environment.

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