Chapter 35 : The Dragon's Challenge

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"Hey, Seiryuu..."

Unusually serious, Suzaku had taken off her straw hat and her red eyes flashed with a dangerous gleam as she ran alongside him. It had been a while since Seiryuu had seen that murderous gaze from the usually composed and carefree midfielder, but he understood why she was acting like this.

As the two elder siblings of the four, Suzaku and Seiryuu shared an implicit understanding between them that it was their responsibility to look after the prideful Haruka and naive Daigiichi. So the fact that Haruka had managed to get injured in front of them while they were unable to do anything filled both of them with vindictive fury. In particular, Suzaku, who valued her nakama above all else...even her legendary anime merchandise collection.

"Give me the ball, now." commanded Suzaku in an authoritative tone and Seiryuu nodded solemnly, seeing her heated expression.


Rolling her hair back with annoyance, Suzaku tied it up in a simple ponytail with one hand while she took off her cumbersome red overcoat and sandal coverings that she wore over her cleats with the other.

Surely that b*stard didn't think he could just harm her little sister like that and expect her to sit around and watch from the sidelines while eating popcorn, did he?

If he wanted to mess with her family, then Suzaku would grant this death-seeker his wish.

And make it so Yuka regretted ever stepping on the field in the first place.

Keshin : Great Flame Emperor, Kagutsuchi!!

Turning her lips upward and putting her hands on her hip, Suzaku revealed a small smile while the field began to erupt into a blazing inferno of red-hot flames. Ashes spiralling outward, the wind blew smoke which hid Suzaku's face and she disappeared from the Outei members' sights in the billowing embers while giving the ball a sharp kick into the flames.

Coughing harshly due to the smoke, Yuka used his hands to wave away the residual ashes and sparks that were flying in the air but perceived an ominous figure rising from the hot wind. Sensing danger, Yuka summoned his Keshin but to no avail as the blazing flames forked and began to lick at his body as if in an attempt to devour him whole.

Legendary Keshin : Michael, Sword of Justice!

"What the hell—" cried Yuka angrily. Despite swatting the flames off his body with the platinum wings behind him, the flames continued to dance dangerously around him, encircling him in a ring of fire.

"We're not even in the same league you damn clown" Suzaku whispered in a magnetic voice behind him, resentment filled in every word.


Transforming the ball into an orb of orange flames, Suzaku guided the orb into ribbons of fire which danced around her and then towards Yuka. Snapping her finger with particular hostility, the ribbons of fire decreased in size until they became compact orbs that exploded into a vivid display of red spider lilies.


Suzaku looked for Seiryuu's striking marine-blue hair while the flame flowers exploded dramatically behind her and reformed into the ball again in front of her. Ignoring the stupefied looks of both the opposing Outei members and her own teammates, she gave the ball a sharp kick upfield to the waiting Seiryuu.

"C-Could Suzu-oneesan always do that?" asked Doi with wonder in his eyes.

"Uhhh...." faltered Daigiichi, stumbling over his words due to his surprise.

Daigiichi knew that Suzaku was considered by many to be the best dribbler in Japan and only took a backseat to Seiryuu due to her unwillingness to get involved with the media and greater interest in anime but sometimes even he forgot that she was the one who had first taught him and Seiryuu how to play soccer...

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