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Disclaimer : Though I'm using the names of various world clubs, this is just an anime fanfiction so don't expect resemblances to any people, styles, etc. This is a fictional work!!!!

New York FC Football Academy, USA

Serika subconsciously held her breath as she walked past the clear doors that swung open automatically upon sensing her movement. Swivelling her eyes left and right, she saw players of all ages bustling around paying no attention to her and she dragged her suitcase behind her slowly.

While it wasn't her first time travelling internationally by any means, it was the first time she would be staying abroad for longer than a month by herself...


Feeling someone run by her and almost knock her aside, with honed reflexes, Serika managed to spin her body just fast enough to move out of the way but unfortunately felt her body continuing to fall forwards.

"Not on my first day, not like this..." Serika groaned internally as she prepared for the hard impact of her shoulder hitting the ground.


Peeking an eye open carefully, Serika frowned not feeling the cold ground beneath her and then looked down where a long, white cane was holding her body afloat. Following the body of the long cane, Serika saw a girl with soft, curly hair that was styled into buns at the top. Her golden ferronnière complimented her multicoloured hair; the combination of night blue, light gold and peach pink creating a mesmerising swirl which both enthralled and distracted Serika.

Though the girl's eyes were previously closed, upon opening them, she revealed a set of soft, monotone green-white eyes which almost resembled a smooth mirror. Parting her lips pleasantly, a soothing voice soon resonated throughout the lobby.

"Be careful now Ms.Serika, even the stars are unable to completely light the darkness that enshrouds the future ..."

"Ah, yes..."

Quickly picking herself up so the girl could pull back her cane, Serika brushed herself a few times before taking another look at the girl standing in front of her, now observing Serika with a tranquil smile on her face. Despite the calm expression on her face, her piercing eyes sent a shiver down Serika's back and she stepped back almost instinctively.

"Excuse me but...do you know me?"

"In a sense...I suppose one could say it is such."

Conversation falling flat due to the girl's ambiguous answer, the two girls were left staring at each other silently until Serika decided to break the awkward air between them by asking another question.

"And you are..."

"Talia Nightingale, how do you do?"

"Talia Nightingale?!"

The 'Omniscient Diviner' and captain of the United States' U15 National Team, Team Unicorn! Currently ranked No.1 among defenders in the U15 division, Serika had heard of the famous seer and rumours of her strange skills before, but having only joined the soccer world recently she had yet to put a face to the name.

"So that's how you knew who I was...I suppose it only makes sense that the 'Omniscient Diviner' would know" Serika reasoned aloud but was corrected quickly by Talia who covered her mouth while she laughed gaily.

"I would not look to the stars to discern something so mundane. It doesn't require a seer to know the JYSA was sending a representative to participate in the World Awakening Project and judging by your unfamiliarity with the club, I simply put two and two together."

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now