End of Part 1 - Chapter 23 : Project Mars

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After being picked up by one of the many vehicles Mika had sent out as part of the search party, Galahad and Leonidas returned unharmed to the hotel where Aphrodi and the others had gathered.

Seeing the large crowd of people waiting for him, Leonidas gave a deep bow before using his tablet to speak.

[I'm sorry for causing such a fuss so late at night and for causing a delay in our schedule. I will do my best to make it up to you all in the future.]

Stifling a yawn, Makoto waved his hand and yelled out "No mind, no mind" while Nariko narrowed her eyes cruelly and licked her lips before slyly saying "Unlike this idiot here, It was a rather big inconvenience to the rest of us so I'll remember this in case I need a favour in the future little Leo-kun, okay?"

On the other side of the lobby, Serika felt her eyes start to roll back before Nariko could even finish and crossed her arms while counteracting

"Don't worry about Yamashiro-senpai, Tsujo-kun. I saw her and Naoki slacking off at the arcade downtown on the way home from the bakery. She had noooo plans to do anything tonight."

Feeling her eyebrow twitch angrily, Nariko gave an evil eye at Serika who shrugged her shoulders and stuck her tongue out at her belligerently.

"Are the two of you all unharmed? Shall I call a doctor here for a check-up? Leo-kun, if you want to go out late at night you should at least bring a bodyguard with you in the future. I'll be assigning you some later tonight and introduce you to your team, okay? So why don't you go up to your room and wash up while you wait for the doctor."

Hurrying him up the elevator, Mika didn't let the boy get a word in while she pushed him through the elevator doors and stared at him until the doors finally closed and separated the two. Letting out a sigh, Mika walked up to Galahad who had been trying not to laugh as she fussed over the young boy.

"You seem to be doing well for someone who became a nee-san (big sister) only a few hours ago."

"Oh please, after losing him within those same few hours and letting him end up in a forest for hours by himself, I would think my abilities would be rated quite poorly considering such a subpar performance today."

"Don't be too hard on yourself, okay Mika? It all turned out fine didn't it? Besides, you don't even know how many times I've lost Kageyo..."

As the face of his younger brother popped up in his mind after carelessly calling out his name, Galahad fell silent as Mika gave him a sympathetic look.

Patting the taller boy's shoulder which had slumped over, Mika attempted to redirect the conversation and proceeded to ignore the last comment.

"Thank you for everything today, Galahad. I mean it. I was a bit worried about Leonidas today but judging by his face his expression seemed to have improved considerably after talking to you. You seem to have quite the ability to make people comfortable, don't you?"


Rubbing his arm behind his head abashedly, Galahad avoided her sincere gaze of admiration and attempted to spit out a reply while his brain was still functioning.

"N-Not really! It was nothing! Just luck, you know! I really didn't do much! It was basically just Leo-kun talking to himself you see! HAHAHAHA."

"Well either way, as the colloquial expression would go, I believe in a scenario like this it would be appropriate to say 'I owe you one?' So if you are ever in need of help, I will use everything in my power as heir to the Takinami name to do so. (If you need it in writing, I will have Edmund draft a document for you as well)."

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