Chapter 16 : Hakuren's Winter Lady

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"Is anyone sitting here?"



Unfazed by the blue haired teen who unceremoniously made himself comfortable in the seat next to her, Mika rested her chin on her hand as she looked out the window.

Meanwhile, resting backwards in the seat, Seiryuu closed his eyes and promptly fell asleep in his seat ignoring the curious gazes from his siblings who were boarding the Shinkansen behind him and the heated glares from the Raimon members who had all been arguing about who would get to sit next to her on the train ride to Hokkaido.[1]

However, about 10 minutes in, Mika felt a finger hesitantly tap her shoulder and she turned around to see a boy with genial green and blue eyes bend down to whisper

"If you want to switch seats with me Ojou-sama, I'm sitting in the back next to Hiroaki, one of my older sisters. She's a little stingy with money but she won't charge you for anything...probably! Anyway, I know some people think aniki is a little burdensome to be around so..."

"It's fine, there's no need for that Daigiichi-kun"

"Yes! Of course, Ojou-sama! Sorry to bother you!"

Making his escape from the suffocating air that was emanating from the two strikers at the front, Daigiichi let out a deep sigh of relief before making his way to the back. Seeing the faces that were eagerly anticipating to see Mika, fall in disappointment at seeing Daigiichi's face instead be the one to return, Daigiichi decided to complain to Haruka who was the one who had sent him on his little trip in the first place.

"Why am I always the one that loses Janken!"[2]

Shrugging, Haruka gave a short retort

"Get good then bro. Sucks to suck"

"But I can never beat Tiger! And you're the only one who's allowed to use Tiger!"

Listening to the ridiculous scamming that was going on across the aisle, Serika couldn't help herself from exclaiming

"Tiger?? That's not a real—"

"Shut it Penguin Princess!"

"WHAT did you just call me, you mangy cat?!"

Seeing Haruka blow a raspberry mockingly at her, Serika began to roll up her sleeves aggressively before Gabriel interrupted the two girls by shoving a basket of croissants into their faces.


Haruka looked up at the giant who was towering over her with a childish face that didn't suit his enormous body and mutely accepted the croissant while Serika did the same disgruntledly.

Ignoring the two girls catfighting behind him, Daigiichi stood up to look over at the boy in front of him who was giving off a sunny yellow aura that was very comfortable to sit beside and filled his mind with a peaceful warmth.

"You're Yozora-kun right?"



Surprised by the voice that was calling him, Galahad distractedly turned around in his seat after intensely staring at the front of the train car and looked up to see Eisei's 'Black Tortoise' trying to talk to him. 

"Oh, Hi. Yeah, that's right but you can just call me Galahad"

"Sure! You can call me...oh right! I only have one name anyway. I'm Daigiichi! Nice to meet ya"

"Nice to meet you"

"You seem worried about something?

"Do I?"

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now