Chapter 3 : Mr.Number One Fan

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One Week Later

Huff Huff Huff Huff

Yuka grabbed his knees in pain and continued panting in exhaustion after the daily practice set given to him by Coach Aphrodi. As the sweat dripped down from his forehead, his laborious breathing could also be heard from the other members on the field.

"Is that all you got rookie?" yelled Akuma from across the field.

"You've been talking big this week considering how you can barely dribble the ball. Is there even any point in practising if you don't improve? In fact, I think you're somehow getting worse, if that's even possible. I almost don't want to make fun of you, because you're just making it too easy!"

Akuma continued to mock Yuka with his hyena-like laughter while some of the other members in his posse could be heard sniggering along with him.

"Oh knock it off Akuma. You're going to make the poor baby quit...and I'd hate to miss out on my daily dose of seeing his face twist in pain and agony..." called out another girl as she licked her lips as if preparing to eat a delicious meal.

Yuka turned to see who had spoken up and he could see a girl with lilac-coloured hair walking towards the group, holding the arm of a green-haired boy. Looking at how close they were, Yuka guessed they were likely a couple.

Meanwhile, a look of disgust quickly came over Akuma's face as he scoffed watching the approaching couple.

"If it isn't the toxic weed and her grimy little insect. I'm surprised you actually paid attention to anything other than yourselves for more than 5 seconds"

"It seems you're going blind already Akuma-san. Only you would mix up a weed and a beautiful flower like myself, right Naoki?" The lilac-haired girl gave a mirthful laugh that had a touch of derision before turning to the boy next to her.

The boy quickly replied "Of course, Nariko. Your beauty shines like a brilliant Nerium oleander that blossoms in a field of garbage" giving a dirty side eye to Akuma and his group when emphasising the last word.

Akuma simply acknowledged the quip with a snort before motioning to the rest to leave. Seeing the fun had ended, Nariko and Naoki similarly left together leaving behind Yuka and a few others.

Watching his teammates leave, Yuka wrapped his backpack around his shoulder and got on his bike before heading over to the riverside field where he always practised in the evening. After arriving he proceeded to sit himself down along the river and sighed before getting lost in thought.

Flashback to 6 Days Ago

"So, –um... Ganeko-senpai, I was thinking that soccer is a team sport... so it's more fun when we all work together to make the goals right? And, when one person scores it's like we all score and we all become the best together... so I think we should invite Mika back to the team because it'll be more fun to—


Yuka made a small wheeze as a soccer ball came slamming into his abdomen. As he was bent over, breathing heavily on the field he saw Akuma walk over, blocking the sun looking more menacing than usual. He didn't bother to say anything before going back to practice on his own.


Flashback to 5 Days Ago

"Um Aihara-senpai. With Holy Road coming up I think Raimon could use strong players like Kuroha-senpai—"

"I'm going to stop you right there Fukunaga-kun. While I would never agree with the methods of a brute like Ganeko there is no incentive for me to go against his orders. I only care about the results and based on my analysis the strength of Raimon changes minimally with or without Mika Kuroha."

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now