Chapter 19.5 : The Abandoned Amusement Park

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Afternoon Before the Last Day of the Training Camp

Pant Pant Pant

"Why can't I get this stupid hissatsu! I think it's broken!!"

Unable to cope with the fact that she had still not yet mastered 'Heaven's Time', Serika let out an inelegant groan of frustration and laid down on the ground exhausted.

Seeing this, Haruka rested her head on the soccer ball in front of her and began to think aloud.

"Isn't it just because you suck?"


Grabbing her head, Haruka gave a look of betrayal at Suzaku, who was wearing Serika's extra Raimon uniform today, and had just bonked Haruka with her fist.

Too tired to argue with Haruka after failing for the 100th time to use 'Heaven's Time', Serika continued to lay on the ground while giving a defeated look at Suzaku.

"I don't get what I'm doing wrong! My dribbling should be perfect now and there's nothing wrong with my snap either! See!"

Snapping like a mad woman, Serika's eyes stared creepily at Suzaku who felt a drop of sweat run down her spine.

"Err... well Haruka isn't actually wrong per se..."


"It's just that you lack the conqueror's haki to make 'Heaven's Time' work right now so that's why it gives off sucky vibes like Haruka said."

"You know that I haven't watched enough One Piece to know what Conqueror's Haki is Suzaku-nee"

"Sorry, I forgot you're a normie Serika-chan. Conqueror's haki is basically the ability for someone to exert their own willpower over other people that are weaker than them. In essence, it's the ability to tell people you're the strongest, the king, the god of the field with just your presence"

"So you're saying if I want to master 'Heaven's Time' I need more than just perfect dribbling? How am I supposed to get this 'conqueror's haki' anyway?"

"It's easy, all you need is self-confidence!"

Hearing this, Serika let out a loud snort of derision. She was the most confident person she knew! There was no way there was someone who was more confident than her in the entire world! What a bunch of useless babble!

Seeing that Serika didn't believe her, Suzaku's face turned serious and she kneeled beside Serika and looked her in the eyes solemnly.

"I'm talking about real confidence, Serika, it can't be fake or shallow. A belief in yourself that will never waver. Can you really say that you have that?"

Falling silent, Serika's mood dropped a bit hearing this and she sat up quietly.

Smiling gently, Suzaku wrapped her arms around Serika's neck in a friendly manner and told her in a cheery manner,

"Don't worry! Nee-san here has the perfect plan for you, Serika-chan!"

Turning her head to look into the orange eyes of the older girl, Serika gave her a look of suspicion. Knowing Suzaku, it was likely some strange plan she had cooked up but after a week of training together Serika had grown accustomed to the otaku girl's antics and nodded her head helplessly.

That Night, Hakuren Abandoned Amusement Park

"So everyone knows how this is going to work right? Now pick your ballots!"

Digging around, the 20 or so members from the three teams that Suzaku had managed to gather, dug around the box she had prepared for the challenge.

A Few Minutes Later

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now