Chapter 28.5 A Fragile Oleander

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Shortly After the Quarterfinal match Hakuren v Raimon

Galahad felt an itching sensation on the nape of his neck and hesitated a moment before turning his head around and was unsurprised to see Nariko and Naoki sitting behind him. Recalling the words he had dared to utter to his senpais just moments ago during the match, Galahad wondered whether or not there was still time to jump out the window of the bus and survive.

"Yamashiro-senpai! Naoki-senpai! STOP! Lock on Tsukishiro-san! NOW!!"

"What?! Are you crazy?! That b*tch hasn't moved up at all since the first goal? Why would we–?"



Mentally shaking his head and groaning internally, Galahad's pupils moved to the corner of his eyes and confirmed once more that his two senpai were indeed staring directly at him and sweat began to bead at his forehead. He felt more suspicious because the lilac and harlequin-green haired duo were uncharacteristically silent and just sitting there.


While he didn't know what had overcome him during the match, Galahad knew he had probably gone overboard due to the pressure and was about to open his mouth and apologise when he heard Naoki speak up first.

"Looks like you're finally dropping the 'nice' act, little Galahad-kun, hmm?"

"Oh stop it Naoki~ It's better than seeing the little baby looking like a pathetic rat drowning in the rain all the time" cackled Nariko while Naoki looked over mockingly at Galahad.

Feeling fully embarrassed now at the older duo's words, Galahad felt the tips of his ears flush pink and managed to stammer out,

"I-I'm sorry about earlier Yamashiro-senpai, Takasugi-senpai...In the heat of the moment, I wasn't thinking clearly so I spoke harshly. It won't happen again! I promise—"

"OHHHHHH MY HEART!" cried out Nariko while clutching her chest suddenly, interrupting Galahad before he could finish his rambling.

"Nariko-chan! What's wrong!" yelled Naoki while clutching her collapsed body.

"I-I just remembered what my dear Kouhai said to me and my poor, weak heart." whispered Nariko while putting extra emphasis on her 'poor and weak' heart.

"Who could ever yell at my dear, lovely, honey!"


Now putting a hand over face to cover her eyes with theatrical flair, Nariko continued.

"He...he said I needed to 'Shut up' and 'obey his commands' because I'm just a miserable, useless, piece of crap that doesn't belong on the team."


Covering his mouth with his hand in feigned shock, Naoki asked extra loudly so Galahad could hear crystal clear,

"What type of horrible person could ever say such a thing?!"

Feeling shame coursing through every fibre of his being, Galahad hid his face in his hands while Nariko and Naoki continued their little skit, enjoying the misery they were bringing the younger youth.

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Galahad burst out and demanded,

"Please! I said I'm sorry, I'll do anything to make it up to you so please, please stop mentioning it anymore..."


Wiping the crocodile tears from her face, Nariko got up from Naoki's lap and smiled smugly at Galahad who was already regretting his life decisions but nodding helplessly.

"Good. Then stop calling us senpai and acting like a wet rag around us. It's more fun when you put up a fight, 'kay Gally-kun?"


Now thoroughly confused, Galahad's pupils started swirling around as he tried to process what Nariko was saying, causing the older girl's chartreuse eyes to roll in response. Lowering her voice seriously, Nariko commented while twirling the ends of her hair. 

"You made the right call today. It was a good decision to pull up the defensive line and it was worth seeing that b*tch Tsukishiro's face look like a dumb fish for once so we're just saying that when we're on the field don't get so worked up about stupid things like senpai-kouhai nonsense and just treat us as equals. Got it?"

Galahad's face brightened as he realised what the duo were implying and smiling back he nodded in affirmation before replying,

"You got it, Yamashiro-san.Takasugi-san. I'll be counting on you then."

"Yeah, yeah. It was fun seeing you squirm around whenever you saw us but it's gotten old so we plan on getting some new toys to play with anyway. Ciao."

Satisfied they had settled their business, Nariko and Naoki's heads popped back down below to look at their phones while Galahad sat back down in his and gave a content smile as he put his earbuds back in and rested his arm on the windowsill. Even if it were only a miniscule amount, he felt he had gotten a bit closer to his teammates today and that was a win in his book.

Author's Note :

1. Just a small side story chapter that I wanted to include in Chapter 28 but it didn't fit so I decided to make it a short bonus story. 

2. I've recently found out that writing in all caps LIKE THIS is sortof amateurish so I'll be fixing that in my writing from now own (except for the hissatsus) so sorry if that's been bothering you in my writing xD 

Working on Chapter 29 now! Can't wait to continue the Holy Road matches. 

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