Chapter 2 : Awaken the Demon Queen!

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Mika looked downwards at the short boy who had just run into her


She sighed internally. Looking at his black hair, black eyes, innocent face, and happy-go-lucky smile she knew exactly what she was dealing with. Seeing the boy look upwards with a stupid look while he kept muttering to himself Mika quickly did the calculations in her head.

Considering that she was not the guilty party in this interaction, she believed that the party at fault : the one who was running like a chicken with his head cut off, should apologise to the innocent party : her who was walking like a normal being. Well... normal to her at least. Mika carried a unique poise like Japanese royalty that was in no way normal.

However, judging by his physical features and presence she quickly determined that the moment he opened his mouth it'd be more trouble than it was worth and decided evasive manoeuvres were necessary and she made her way to leave but she sighed.

It was too late... She silently cursed her own stupidity and indecision.



She turned back around to look at the boy. According to social customs, once your name is called it is polite to respond back and engage in conversation. However, she could not shake off the foreboding sense that this would lead to her being dragged into a series of troublesome events. However, in the end, Mika couldn't ignore her training and she gave in to her brain cell with manners.

"Hello nice to meet you, may I inquire as to why you have called out my name?"

She then attempted to give a small, polite smile but in pain it turned out more like a grimace. Luckily, Yuka was not the type to catch on to these sorts of things and prattled on.

"I know you! You're the legendary Demon Queen of Raimon Jr.High. You were ranked 3rd among the best Japanese forwards last year... though if you ask me you should've at least been second... I mean I saw your final match against Teikoku Gakuen last year and that last goal of yours was like totally boooom wooosh pow pow pow mega swooooong ya know? But when I joined the Raimon Jr.High I heard you quit the team and I couldn't believe it ya know? The soccer ball doesn't lie and when I saw your shoot I just knew you pack all your emotions into the ball don't you? You must really love soccer..."

Mika pinched her forehead and internally gave a silent, cute little scream of frustration.

She was right. He really was the troublesome type. The must-be-avoided-at-all-costs and level one threat type.

She needed to nip this in the bud and was debating when to cut him off when she heard

"You must really love soccer..."

Ha. This kid really didn't know what he was talking about.

"Alright, alright"

Despite not appearing to have been listening attentively and her expressionless face not changing once the entire conversation she finally decided to interrupt Yuka's prattle.

Seeing her open her mouth, Yuka finally trailed off and waited patiently for her to start speaking.

"It's to my understanding you're a fan of my soccer career, yes? Understandable, I was quite unique as a beautiful but also skilled striker. However, like I had my manager tell my fanclub already, I formally resigned from Raimon's soccer club many months ago and have no intentions of returning. Thus, it's best for all of us to not live in the past and move on with our lives, okay?"

Mika paused to make sure Yuka was following along. She knows these types. They rarely listen so repetition, clear speech, and a firm tone were all necessary in order to ensure she conveyed her message with maximum success.

She continued, "Let's also set the record straight so there are no misunderstandings. It is true that many soccer players enjoy the sport, and as you say "love soccer" but my talent for the sport and emotions towards it are in no way related. Like in many things, I am just naturally gifted so while it is true I played the sport for an extended amount of time, I deemed it no longer necessary for optimal success in my life and thus pruned it. Bad fruit must be removed from a tree in order for the good fruit to grow..."

She paused once more.

"Sorry. I shouldn't have used a metaphor. Let me rephrase it for optimal understanding."

"I don't need soccer and I have no intent in playing with a team that clearly wants nothing to do with me. As you saw last year, no matter how skilled one player is, it is impossible to win a one vs. eleven once you get to the big leagues, understood?"

Ikue couldn't believe her ears. She had begun eavesdropping after looking for Yuka in order to drag him to practice and was shocked when she saw him engaging in a conversation with a beautiful girl that she later surmised was the "Demon Queen" he had been looking for the past week based on their conversation.

Ikue had never heard someone spout such arrogant words without a trace of arrogance. Judging by her eyes, the girl was simply that confident in her abilities and based on her aura she had the skills to back it up.

Meanwhile, Yuka's eyes were shaking the more Mika spoke and he finally decided to speak up.

"There's... no way that's true. You love soccer and if soccer heard you say that... I think it would be very sad! And I'm not stupid... I know the team might not think very nicely about you right now b-b-but what I'm hearing is that if they accept you as a teammate then you'll rejoin the team right?"

Mika's eyes narrowed at the boy. He had spunk, she'd give him that. Her lips turned upwards, she also knew the type of people that were currently on the Raimon team, there was no way they would want her back on the team.

"Alright, you talk big. You are correct in your assumptions. If the Raimon Eleven were to welcome me as a team member, it would be optimal for me to rejoin the soccer team."

Mika did the calculations in her head. She knew it was unlikely that the current members would change her minds but knowing these "hero" type personalities she couldn't rule out the possibility. However, in either case it would be a win-win for her.

Internally, her brain cells began to rejoice in jubilance. She wanted to pat herself on the back but that would be inelegant, she sighed. She really was a genius.

If he fails, she still gets rid of him and she can dump his annoying pushiness onto the Raimon Eleven and if he succeeds all she has to do is play soccer again which will look excellent for her future résumé.

"Yes, yes, yes, quite optimal." She muttered to herself. Her lips increasingly turned upwards, beginning to resemble a smile but it didn't quite suit her.

Sensing it was starting to get dangerous for Yuka, Ikue decided it was time to initiate Operation: Get-The-Heck-Out-Of-There and began to wave like crazy while running towards the two.


"We gotta get going to practise. Coach Aphrodi is waiting for you. If you'll excuse us"

Ikue bowed to the girl in front of her before dragging Yuka away by the ear.

"You gotta keep your promise! Don't forget it! Soccer is waiting for you!" yelled Yuka as he was being dragged away.

Hearing those familiar words, Mika frowned a little before gracefully picking up the papers she had dropped in the hectic storm that had passed through named Yuka, and proceeded to walk back to her to the exit with perfect poise where a driver was waiting for her.

As she got in the car, she turned to look out towards the soccer field again.

"Yuka Fukunaga was it? Hmph, While he does have tenacity, he seems inept. He's so chaotic it's difficult to predict the outcome of this little bet."

Mika sighed, as she thought. This could best be summarised by one word


Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now