Chapter 21 : The Slumbering Beast

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Present, Hakuren Hospital

Cough Cough Cough

Leonidas woke up with a start and blinked his eyes in confusion as he took in the scenery. Looking down he was in a blue hospital gown while curtains had been drawn so he couldn't see past his bed. Sensing something to his left, he quickly turned his head only to be greeted by the appearance of Mika Kuroha, who was watching him carefully.



"You fainted about two hours ago so I brought you to the Hakuren General Hospital. It appears you fainted from stress... How are you feeling now? Oh and don't worry about any of the fees, they've all been taken care of."

Lifting his hands shakily, Leonidas recalled the conversation before everything had turned black.

"Hakuren doesn't need a weakling like you..."

"I don't want to see your pathetic face ever again"

Recalling the back that turned away from him and refused to look back at him, Leonidas's hand fell and tightly gripped the blanket while his body began to tremble.

Not again, he didn't want to be by himself again...

It was so...


As Leonidas continued to shake like a leaf in a storm, Mika looked at him with an odd look in her eyes before reaching out to the boy. Feeling a gentle hand awkwardly pat his head, Leonidas stopped trembling as his orange eyes, filled with fear, looked into the enigmatic, purple eyes of the older girl.

"Would you like to come with me, Tsujo-kun?"

Hearing Mika's words, Leonidas stared at her with dull eyes that gave off a lacklustre energy before ignoring her and lying back down in his hospital bed. Undeterred, Mika continued speaking

"I have already spoken to the appropriate figures. It just so happens my father was looking for a talented soccer player to sponsor, and as his daughter I thought it would be prudent to recommend a player with a high degree of potential such as yourself. You can rest assured that this was based on a completely objective assessment of your skills by the higher ups at the Takinami Corporation's Sports Department. If you accept, the Takinami Corporation will provide you with housing, food, clothing, education and any other accommodations you'll need, so if you're willing all you have to do is sign here."

Holding out a tablet to the green-haired boy who didn't appear to be listening, Mika waited patiently until Leonidas blinked slowly and rolled around onto his side so his back faced her and the tablet.

Sighing, Mika put down the tablet and nervously brushed her lips with her index finger. She knew it was unlikely that Leonidas would just nonchalantly sign as if nothing had happened but she was unsure of how to proceed due to her lack of experience in dealing with these types of scenarios. Beginning to frantically calculate the most efficient line to say that would successfully revive the conversation, Mika put on a troubled smile and sat in the chair beside the bed silently.


Mika looked up hearing the hoarse voice that sounded as if it had not been used in a long while.

"I...have nothing left anymore, Ojou-sama. Please leave."

Turning around and sitting up weakly, Leonidas gave her a defeated smile as tears began to drip silently from the corner of his eyes. Unfamiliar with what was happening, Leonidas ignored the water that was falling along the sides of his face and began to let out everything that seemed to be welling out from his heart.

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