Chapter 34 : The Sword of Justice

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At an absolute loss for words, Mika and the others stood clumped around the entrance in silence until a voice was heard over the bustling sounds of the crowd.

"Yoohoo~Mimi-chan~~Over hereee!"

Mika turned her head upon hearing the familiar voice and in a stupor found herself walking over to the white-haired Hakuren captain. Not bothering to question how the older girl got here so fast despite also seeing her in attendance at the Raimon vs Zeus semifinal, the Raimon and Zeus members who had decided to come, both shuffled into the seats Tsukishiro had reserved for them.

"Surprised?" asked Tsukishiro knowingly towards the group. Then seeing no responses from the group she proceeded to grab a spotted blue handkerchief from seemingly thin air.

"Poor dragon-chan has been struggling so much today, I can almost feel the tears coming!" cried Tsukishiro while dabbing her eyes, which had no traces or signs of any tears.

However, not wanting to waste time on Tsukishiro's usual nonsense, Galahad directed a question towards the girl who was still wiping her eyes and feigning pity for the Eisei Gakuen team.

"How are they losing? Is Outei Tsukinomiya that good?"

"Good? That's f*cking funny, If you're asking about their acting ability then yeah you could call them good, especially that motherf*cking piece of trash." interrupted a gruff voice with clear indignance.

Looking to where the voice had come from, the Raimon members found themselves staring at a familiar set of venomous red eyes which belonged to the other Hakuren captain, who had made sure to sit two seats away from Tsukishiro so she wouldn't bother him while watching the match.

Realising who had spoken up, Galahad wasn't surprised the vicious assessment of the Outei Tsukinomiya team had come from Ryoga, considering the defender never had a particular inclination for mincing words.

"And who exactly would you be referring to Katata-san?" inquired Mika robotically, still not quite sure if she was currently suffering from a disease of some sorts that was causing visual hallucinations.

Snorting indignantly as if just saying the name would cause him physical pain, Ryoga instead tossed over his phone where he brought up the livestream of the match. Rewinding to where he pointed out, Mika's eyes widened with alarm after taking a few seconds to recognise the young boy who had joined Nosaka and Tamaka in the midfield.

"F-Fukunaga-kun??" she stuttered with disbelief.


Recognising that name, both Serika and Galahad leaned forward on opposite sides and checked the screen where indeed a boy of rather small stature, and now, slicked-back black hair and black eyes was running alongside the other Outei members in their signature grey kits.

"That useless servant?"


Unsure of who they were talking about, Leonidas grabbed Mika's sleeve and whispered into her ear,

"Who's that Mika-nee?"

Attempting to calm herself down, Mika grabbed her lower lip with her left hand while turning to face Leonidas and replied gently,

"This is...Yuka Fukunaga. He was...a member of the Raimon Soccer team with us until recently when we received news that he had submitted his resignation to Coach Afuro. I was not aware that he had joined Outei Tsukinomiya however..."

Bored by the useless jibber jabber happening behind him, Ryoga rolled his eyes before tapping the phone aggressively to skip ahead to later in the match for them.

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now