Chapter 7 : Painful Memories

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Two years Ago

A burning car, black smoke wafted in the air, he couldn't think straight, crying, someone was crying, and as blood trickled down his face he could hear screaming

"Mom! Mom! [Mum]!"

It was his voice screaming mom over and over again as the young boy was sobbing inconsolably trying to get his mother out of the car. The smoke progressively became heavier and heavier, and the boy could feel his eyes starting to burn while his voice becoming so hoarse, he could no longer shout. The air became blacker and blacker, and the boy could feel his arms and legs become weaker and weaker as the heat continued to brutally attack him.

Weakly wheezing, he stared into his mother's gem-like blue eyes as she looked back into the bright green eyes of her son mournfully knowing she wasn't going to make it. Her arm trembled as it got up to tenderly stroke the crying boy's cheek and her eyes temporarily refocused. Vibrant blue and vivid green eyes stared back at each other.

"You're my brave little knight Galahad."

"Go, now!. GO!"

Her arms shook with strength as she urged her son to leave before the flames took him as well.

Flames started to quickly overtake the car, devouring it like a lion feasting on its prey. Hungrily, the flames rose higher and higher in triumph and the next thing he knows...

"He's awake! He's awake!" cried some nurses who were taking Galahad's vitals in the hospital.

"MOM!" shouted the boy as he got up in a fright.

Once Galahad was discharged from the hospital he soon found out from the government worker that both of his parents had passed away in the accident, while his brother's legs were seriously injured and it was unsure if he would ever be able to walk again. The woman then told him they would be placed under the custody of their father's younger brother and be sent government aid to cover their living costs.

As the woman continued to tell him about what was going to happen and how everything would be fine, Galahad just listlessly nodded his nod, not even able to process anything that was coming out of her mouth.

"Don't worry kid... everything's going to be alright. Trust us."

The woman took one last pitiful look at the child before patting his head and getting up to leave.

Shortly thereafter, pushing his brother's wheelchair inside the two nervously made their way into their uncle's home. They had never heard their father talk about their uncle and thus they had never met him before. The apartment was much smaller than they were used to, and a light flickered as they entered the home that looked seemingly abandoned.

Ripped curtains hung on the windows barely blocking any light, something scurried away in the corner of his eye, and the couch had scratch(?) marks so he could see the yellow foam inside.

His hands on the wheelchair tightened unconsciously and he and Kageyo looked at each other hesitatingly


One Month After the Accident

"You two know what will happen if you open your ratty little mouths right? Don't forget if it wasn't for me, both of you would be on the streets right now begging for food like the other urchins"

Galahad's uncle gave them a menacing look to make sure they understood his threat before giving one last look to make sure the house looked decently presentable before the government worker came for the first check-in. He just gave a smug look once he saw that it looked up to standard after he had ordered his nephew to clean it up in a hurry once he got the notification that the care worker would be coming last week.

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now