Chapter 10 : The Four Celestial Guardians of Eisei Gakuen

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Raimon Strategy Room, 3 Days Before Match with Eisei Gakuen

"Aihara-kun if you would please"

Hooking up his laptop to the screen, Kenji quickly brought up the data for the Eisei Eleven with their faces quickly being brought up and arranged in a 3-5-2 formation.

"As you can see, Eisei Gakuen's strategy revolves heavily around their captain and ace striker Seiryuu. Having earned the title of Japan's 'Blue Dragon' and being dubbed No.1 Striker last year by the JYSA, his offensive stats are off the charts as to be expected–"[1].

"His soccer skills aren't the only thing off the charts"

Giving a dirty look at Nariko who had just interrupted him, Kenji opened his mouth to speak before being drowned out by a loud, booming voice.

"I recognize that guy!"

Standing up to point his finger, a lively boy with black hair looked down at the stocky boy next to him while shouting

"He's the one on all the billboards we saw in Tokyo when we left Haneda Airport, right Gabriel?"

"Yup, sure looks like the same guy Makoto!. He's the scary-eyebrows dude!"

Stroking his chin in thought, Gabriel paused before continuing

"Can't believe they have a model on their team, how're we supposed to compete with that?"

"Don't worry Gabriel-senpai! You won't lose in good looks to him!"

Deciding it was time to chime in, a short and clearly first-year enthusiastically hyped up his senpais who had brought out their phones to check their faces in the camera.

Hearing the flattery from the short, jet-black haired boy Nariko gave a derisive snort before yelling from the middle of the room

"Oh please, I think you need to get your eyes checked Daiguji-kun. If that piggy is considered handsome then something went wrong in the timeline and it's time to switch universes"

Ignoring the obvious venom in her words, Gabriel just gave a booming, good-natured laugh before smiling at Sadao and giving him some candy from his pocket while replying

"Thanks Daiguji-kun, I knew you were a good cookie the minute we saw you!"

Listening to the chaotic conversation go on, Galahad sweat dropped before asking Nariko quizzically

"Aren't you dating Takasugi-senpai, Yamashiro-san?"

Rolling her eyes, Nariko just looked down from her spot on Naoki's lap before calmly answering

"Just because I have a boyfriend puppy-kun doesn't mean I suddenly went blind"

Hearing her terrible nickname for him, Galahad frowned while Nariko continued

"Besides, my sweet little baby won't lose in cuteness to anyone. Isn't that right baby?"

Blushing a bit as Nariko wrapped her arms around him, Naoki mindlessly gave a "mhmm" in affirmation.

Serika, who was sitting in front of the three, tried to suppress her desire to throw up hearing the awful conversation behind her while internally scolding the idiotic servant boy for engaging in conversation with the lovebird couple.

"Eisei isn't the only one with aesthetically pleasing humans on their team"

Interjecting, Mika finally decided to enter the fray as she turned her body to look behind her at the other team members.

Galahad's eyes opened a little while the tips of his ears turned a little pink as he looked into the charming amethyst eyes of the girl who had just turned around in her seat in front of him. Was she talking about him? He knew that he had a fan club at school, but he had never put much stock into the compliments he received regarding his looks...

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