Chapter 33 : Wings Unfurled

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Moonlight Drop!

[AND YET ANOTHER GOAL BY ZEUS!!! Selene Otsuki scores with 'Moonlight Drop' extending Zeus's lead over Raimon to two points only minutes into the second half! It seems Zeus's decision to switch tactics is paying off in spades!]

Mika looked at the net urgently hearing the announcer declare the goal and put her hands on her waist to recover her breath.

If Zeus was allowed to score even one more goal then it would be almost impossible to make a comeback at that point. Mika wasn't completely certain of what was happening but ever since Khronoa had declared the start of 'Titanomakhia' she hadn't been able to connect to her teammates at all, as if they had been effectively cut off from her. Every time Raimon managed to get the ball, Zeus would immediately steal it back before they could make a single move and Raimon was forced to play on the defensive once again.

Knowing they would need to break down 'Titanomakhia' if they wanted to win, Mika slowed down to a jog so she could track the path of the ball more clearly and her eyes followed it closely to the where it was now in the possession of Galahad.

Seeing him motion to her with his eyes, she began to speed up as shadows wrapped around his foot and formed a black hole that the 3 headed dog he had created jumped into.

Shadow Link!

Hissatsu Tactics : TITANOMAKHIA!

Squinting her eyes to block out the wave of dust that had been called forth, Mika vaguely managed to make out the form of the black dog that was holding the ball in its middle maw until...


Blasted by a bolt of orange lightning, the shadowy dog whimpered for a few seconds before melting into a black puddle while the bolt of lightning disappeared again in the storm.

That was it.

She knew what was happening now.

Mika knew who Raimon needed.



Having no time to pay attention as Galahad and the other defenders were desperately keeping the Zeus members off their goal, Mika looked for the platinum-blond midfielder who had kept an abnormally low profile in the match thus far.

Grabbing Serika's hand urgently, Mika looked her in the eyes and spoke frantically as the clock continued to tick on their match.

"It's a lopsided high press tactic! Zeus is utilising Khronoa to apply pressure high in the left hand side of the field while their midfielders and defenders are closing up any gaps behind her so they can overload us before we have any time to think!"

Serika's pink eyes blinked like a deer caught in the headlights, unaccustomed to this type of intensity from Mika, and she opened her mouth without a sound.

Unsure of why Serika was opening her mouth but not making any words, Mika continued to speak while trying to resist the urge to shake the other girl's shoulders.

"We need your 'Divine Revelation'! It's the only way we can break through 'Titanomakhia'. We need quick one touch passes to connect us before Zeus can break our pass path. There's no time to waste Serika! Let's go!"

Not bothering to look behind her, Mika raced ahead first while Serika followed behind more slowly, dragging each of her steps.

What was wrong with her?

This wasn't like her at all...

"Mika, what did I tell you about hanging out with rabble like this? I've told you before there's no need to associate yourself with people of no use to you..."

Inazuma Eleven 3, Book 1 : Morning TwilightWhere stories live. Discover now