Chapter 16.5 : Side Story - A Trip in the Gym

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Serika, Mika and Galahad arrive at the Hakuren Jr.High Gym

Walking into the gym, Galahad was surprised to see that it was just as nice as Raimon's; it was clear that Hakuren had invested a lot of money to make it a state of the art facility. He knew that soccer was continuing to grow as a business, but he didn't realize it'd be to this extent.

Accepting the map the clerk had given the trio, Galahad's eyes bulged a little seeing that a 5th floor was already in the middle of being built when he felt a finger tap his shoulder.

Looking down, he saw Mika's eyes looking up at him and he recalled her words from before

"You're both rather naive..."

"You're both rather naive..."

"You're both rather naive..."

Sometimes he wondered if Mika thought he was a little brother or something just because he was a month younger than her. He had already started his growth spurt and grown taller than her despite them being the same height last year...

Distracted by his thoughts, Galahad was only half paying attention when he heard Mika tell him

"Galahad, we'll meet you on the 2nd floor okay?"

Watching Serika drag her away, Galahad headed off to change into his gym clothes as well before taking the elevator up to the second floor.


Exiting the elevator, Galahad took a walk around the gym which had pretty much everything he was used to using and things he had never even seen before. Wanting to improve his lower body strength in order to power up his defensive power, Galahad decided to start simple with some dumbbell squats before moving on to use the leg press machine. However, as he got into position to do some stretching exercises, he looked around to make sure he hadn't missed Mika or Serika walk in.

5 Minutes Later

Was it a girl thing or was it just these two that took so long?

10 Minutes Later

Had he gotten the wrong floor?

Picking up his phone, he texted the group chat and put his phone back down when he felt an immediate buzz and took his phone out of his pocket again to see a text from Serika.

"We're meeting on the 3rd Floor Servant Boy *Eye Roll*"

A bit abashed he had misheard, Galahad walked back to the elevator to take it up to the third floor.


He had only walked for a little bit when his face darkened. Seeing a boy with spiky black hair bent over whispering in Mika's ear, he was clearly trying to intimidate the girl who was standing in the aisle, calmly blocking his way.

Rushing over as quickly as he could, he was about to yell when the tallest man he had ever seen before, came out of nowhere and grabbed the younger boy's arms and he remembered Mika's warning from their conversation a few weeks ago.

"I suggest you let go of my wrist before my bodyguard breaks your body"

Sweatdropping in relief that he hadn't been made into a victim when that had happened, he then gave a dirty look at the boy in front of him before checking to make sure Mika hadn't been injured.

"Mika are you okay?"

Burnt Toast : And that's why Galahad was late. I didn't know how to incorporate that into the main story so I decided to make a filler side story. Now why Serika was late...the explanation is a little simpler

Woman's Changing Room

Snap Snap Snap

Putting down her headband, Serika tied up her long, blonde hair into a ponytail with a pink hair tie and checked her appearance in the mirror again. Making sure that she looked perfect from every angle she was finally satisfied and took a few more pictures to send into her family group chat.

"Made it to Hakuren and at the gym with Mika now"

"Have fun sweetie and Takeo says hi too"

" 'Kay, tell Takeo, Nee-san misses him too"

Serika had wanted to take some pics with Mika, but the older girl had not only dressed in the simplest, black athletic outfit she had ever seen, but headed out of the changing room as soon as she had finished.

Well, that did suit her personality. Putting her stuff in one of the lockers neatly she began to fold the clothes she had walked to the gym in when she felt a buzz and saw a message in the other groupchat she had.

"Sorry, don't mean to rush you guys if you're still getting ready, but I'll be waiting on the second floor next to the dumbells"


Of course Galahad had somehow mixed up the floors. It seemed like she'd have to presume that whenever Mika was involved the other blonde's brain was only half functional.

"We're meeting on the 3rd Floor Servant Boy *Eye Roll*"

Finished typing she went back to organize her stuff then took the elevator to the 3rd floor.



Thanks to her quick reflexes, Serika managed to dodge a black blur that had barreled towards the elevator behind her while muttering some pretty heinous curses under his breath. Looking behind the blur she saw Galahad and Mika alongside a muscular man in a black suit and sunglasses.

Suspecting something had happened if Mika's bodyguard had appeared she asked

"Who was that?"

BurntToast : And that's why Serika was the last to arrive at the scene.

That was sort of fun writing about the same situation but from different perspectives so I might do that as filler for some events in the future.

Oh and

1. nee-San = older sister
2. Nii-San = older brother

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