Chapter 11 : Vs The Unbeatable Eisei Gakuen!!

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Pandora's Box!!

"Wooohooo, I knew we could do it!!"

"Hmm, I guess they weren't as good as the rumors said."

Watching Mika leap into the air to finish the shoot, Ikue tried to ignore Yuka who was doing some sort of strange celebration dance that involved wriggling his body like he lacked any bones. While it was odd that Eisei had allowed them to shoot so easily, Mika was one of the top strikers in the nation and even from the footage she had seen last year, Eisei's goalkeeper, who was the same this year, hadn't been able to stop
'Pandora's Box' with 'Black Hole' so this was pretty much Raimon's point.

With what looked like disgust showing up on her face, Hiroaki just watched as she saw the same shoot she had seen last year come towards her quickly. Rolling her eyes, she rolled up her sleeves before putting her hand out.

Out from her hand came a wave of darkness with ominous stopwatches and clocks floating in the void. A blue bubble surrounded the golden ball speeding towards her and time and space slowly came to stop until freezing in her hand. As time began to resume she gave the ball a light punch to send it back to Daigiichi.


[EISEI GAKUEN'S GOALKEEPER STOPS PANDORA'S BOX PERFECTLYYYYY WITH A NEW HISSATSU!! It appears that Hiroaki has learned some new tricks from last season keeping the score 0-0!]

Putting both hands around her mouth as a microphone, Hiroaki let out a shout with annoyance palpable in her voice.

"DAIGIICHI!!! What are you doing?! You know that I'm a delicate woman, I'll be charging you for this later!! If you keep letting such weak players through I'll be raising my rates to 10,000 yen/shot!"

Sweatdropping, Daigiichi mumbled under his breath

"Delicate where...I don't think even goblins are this obsessed with money"


Feeling sweat begin to run down his back Daigiichi quickly put on a forced smile before managing to spit out

"Ah, nothing Hiroaki-nee!! I'll never let a delicate fairy like you dirty your hands on the ball again!! You can count on me ma'am!"

Hearing his servile response, Hiroaki just let out a "mmhmm" meaning "that's what I thought" while Daigiichi let out a sigh of relief before sending the ball up to Suzaku.

[The Eisei Eleven finally begin to make their counterattack as Suzaku cleanly gets through Raimon's offensive line in a swift motion! Will this be the start of Seiryuu's consecutive hat trick at this year's Holy Road?]

[Oh? What's this?? Seiryuu makes a short pass to Mika Kuroha of the enemy team, missing a perfect shoot chance? Was this a mistake or intended?? What is he thinking?]

Watching her purple eyes open wide in confusion, Seiryuu just laughed to himself.

He thought she had changed since the match last year but she was as pathetic as ever.

"And just what do you think you're doing Mr.Seiryuu? If you forgot the rules, I'll be generous and remind you that you're trying to score into our goal, not your own."

"My apologies Young Lady. As a lowly orphan my brain gets confused sometimes and I forget who's on my team."

Deciding to ignore his strange behavior Mika decided to start moving up when Seiryuu paused to lean in as she passed him and in a low voice whispered into her ear

"But no matter how many times you try...the way you are'll never be able to score against us."


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