Chapter 22 : Greed

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10 Years Ago, Takinami Household in Tokyo

Mika sat down excitedly in front of a mirror with her tiny feet hanging off the chair while one of the maids brushed and styled her hair neatly.

"Are you excited Ojou-sama? I can't believe our little princess is already turning 4 years old today!"

Blushing, Mika's cheeks turned a strawberry pink while she nodded quietly, attempting to maintain her graceful posture.

"There, all done, you look very pretty Ojou-sama."

"Thank you!"

Finally done, Mika started to skip down the stairs but stopped herself midway in order to calm herself down and began to walk as primly as she possibly could. Clutching the stairwell beneath her palms, she nervously looked at the door where her mother would be entering from any minute now.

Her father had already informed her weeks earlier that he would not be able to come home tonight due to a business trip in Paris and instead sent her a deluge of luxury clothes, accessories and jewellery that she had no idea what to do with as a four year old. Thus, Mika was eagerly waiting for her mother to return home for the day in order to share dinner together, which was a rare occurrence that only happened once or twice a year.

One Hour Later

Mika sat down on a chair that had been brought for her by Edmund, as she smiled brightly every time the door opened but was quickly disappointed when it was just another worker entering the house. Seeing the small girl wait so calmly, Edmund put on a smile that didn't reach his eyes and gently put his hand on her shoulder with his gloved hand.


"Yes Edmund?"

"You know how it is with the Lady. Something likely came up at the company, so how about we eat dinner now and we can save the cake for later."

Hearing this, Mika grabbed the chair underneath her with her hands until her knuckles turned white before looking up at her butler and giving him a small smile.

"That's okay Edmund. I can wait a little longer. I know mother is busy so I have no problem with waiting for her."

Seeing the sad smile on the girl's face who appeared to be used to this, Edmund sighed before bowing and walking away.

Three Hours Later

Still waiting on the chair next to the stairwell in front of the door, Mika tried not to close her eyes as night fell over the house. Giving a small pinch to her left arm, Mika resisted the urge to fall asleep with all her might and rearranged her position on the chair uncomfortably.


Hearing a familiar voice, Mika stood up and looked at Edmund who swiftly brought her over to one of the rooms where a large rectangular screen was waiting.


"Yes Mika, there's no need to state the obvious."

Giving a polite bow, Mika greeted her mother respectfully and tried not to show a smile. Her mother had already instructed her that smiling was only appropriate for situations where achievements deserving of such celebration were made.

"What do you want Mika. I'm busy."

Tapping her wrist impatiently, Mika's mother, Sumino Kuroha, gave her a frigid stare that made her start to sweat a little under her dress.

"It's just...I was wondering if you would be home in time for our birthday dinner that we had scheduled today. I know father won't be able to come but I was hoping...."

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