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February 2017, Helsinki

Niko's Pov

"Wake up Niko" I felt someone shaking me
Obviously this someone is Kristy who is way to excited and full of energy even if it's seven AM

She's leaving today and I'm also going with her for the first week that she's gonna spend there.
I just want to make sure that she's gonna be fine and okay alone and with her new roommate that she doesn't know anything about him or her

I just hope that nothing bad will happen when I also leave from there

"I'm up I'm up" I softly pushed her away

If it was any other day I would actually turn around and place one pillow over my head so I can sleep again but now I really need to move out of the comfortable bed and get ready.

First of all I made Kristy walk out of my room and told her to wake up Olli and I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth.
Our suitcases are already packed since yesterday.
Also soon the others will be here too.
I don't think that Joel would really want to meet her directly in the airport.

They will come here so our lover boy can win some more time.
I can understand him though...
I will also miss Kristy a lot.
It won't be the same waking up and seeing no one here and just being in an empty house....
I'm gonna miss the moments when she was annoying me and she was getting in my nerves and maybe those will be the ones I will miss the most...
But those nine months will pass fast and I'm gonna get to spend whole days with my best friend again.

I got in my room and wore my clothes.
Some jeans and a white shirt are just fine, it's not like we're going somewhere fancy.

"Morning" I said to Olli that was sitting in the kitchen already with a mug full of coffee.

His brain couldn't really work or process anything without having some caffeine on it

He just smiled and I went to fill a mug for myself too.
Kristy wasn't there. She's probably in her room checking for a hundred time her things and making sure if she got everything that she needs

In a matter of minutes we heard the doorbell. We both, Olli and I smirked to each other.

"I'm going" Kristy shouted before I could say anything else

We could hear Joonas's voice running through every wall of the house

Everyone came in the room. Except of Joel and Kristy though.
They want to have every little moment they can have now. We should definitely not interrupt them.
Everyday since we moved here they were getting closer and closer and now it's gonna be hard to live apart for such long time.

One whole hour passed really fast unfortunately... I didn't really felt like leaving and from the one side I was happy for Kristy and her achieving her dreams is something perfect but it won't be the same without her.

We drove to the airport with mine and Joel's car and in less than half an hour we were there.
We took our luggage where it should have been and now we were waiting till they called for our flight.

Less than two hours are left.
We're all sitting together but Joel and Kristy had to go somewhere where they could speak more privately and have their own talk and moment but we could see them from where we were.

"Look at them" Olli said and we all turned around to look at them.

They were sitting next to each other and Kristy had placed her head on Joel's shoulder. Even if their characters are exactly the most different in their looks they are from the most beautiful couples.
Joel being taller than her.
His hair being brunette and blonde just like Kristy's. Their eyes having almost the same colour. Even if Kristy's eyes have many colours.
I think that everyone from our group can agree that they look good together

Still I Can Feel You - Joel Hokka Where stories live. Discover now