
194 17 4

  February 2017, Helsinki - Haarlem

A whole week went by since Kristy moved to Netherlands.
Every day that goes by I just miss her more and more and just want to travel there to see her but it's not possible, at least not now.

Niko is coming back today and we already have to start the recordings for our video clip for the first single of our second album.

Now she's gonna be left alone there, with Aleksi.

Nothing bad happened and he did nothing wrong for now. He seems like a cool guy from what Kristy says but also Niko didn't find anything bad about him.

And we also have spoken sometimes when I was in the call with Kristy and he really seemed polite and friendly, I'm sure that they are doing well for now and maybe they will be friends soon.
As time goes by the less I worry about him though, and I will be more sure when I get to meet him too.

Also everything is going good for Kristy.
She likes the house and Haarlem and also she's still so excited because of the university and her classes sounded so interesting from the information that she was giving me and everything seemed so beautiful from the pics that she sent me.

Right now it's early in the morning and I had just woken up and I was just scrolling through my social media and also I checked if Kristy was online but she's probably still sleeping so we're gonna speak later.

Everyone is gone to Oulu and I'm left here alone for the last three days.
I'm really so thankful that Niko is coming today and I'm gonna have some company here.

I pushed the covers away, moved out of the bed and walked in the bathroom.

I took my hair out of the bun that had been the whole night and stepped out of my clothes.
I turned the water of the shower on and got under the hot water.

I stayed there, not moving for some seconds till my hair where completely soaked from the water drops.
All I could think even in here was Kristy.
When we are done with the recording I will go to Netherlands.

If I could I would take the first plane and go there today but if I traveled to Netherlands once a week I would end up broke and the money that I have would all go to airplane tickets and I also have things to do here, I need her close to me everyday, mentally and physically

Probably in one month or something more we will release the song and the music video and after this happens I'm gone. I will try to take as many days as I can off and stay with her at least for  ten days.

After some time I closed the water that was actually starting to get colder as time passed and stepped out of the shower.
I put a towel around my hips and I was about to walk in my bedroom but i heard my phone ringing from the living room where I had left it before

I changed my destination and went to get it. When I saw who was calling I immediately got it in my hands and answered

"Hey Sleepyhead" I said and smiled

She probably woke up some minutes ago.
She was still laying in bed and her hair was messy.
Before she replied she turned on her belly and placed her phone in one of her pillows so she didn't have to hold it

"Well good morning to you too" she rubbed her left eye and yawned

She looked so cute even if she was doing nothing, and this was something of the most normal things that a person does but how she smiled when she said this good morning or how she was trying to fix her hair while she was still laying in bed, something that was not possible so she just left those messy straps to hang almost in her face but she kept pushing them behind her ear.

Still I Can Feel You - Joel Hokka Where stories live. Discover now