Special Person

133 14 70

July 2019, Helsinki

Today we are playing in one of the biggest festivals of Helsinki.
The Weekend Festival and we will be playing with Aleksi.
We released our song "timebomb" and we got a lot recognition from many people and that gave us such happiness and satisfaction and now we are also working for some upcoming songs with him.

People and fans also seem to like our bound and that's why he will be playing with us in this show.
And we are also really excited to have him with us.

He is a part of our family for over a year now and we love him and admire him and not a lot of people have my respect and he's from the people that do.

I'm feeling so proud that we get to play in this stage, in that festival.
So many big artists and bands get to be here and we will be here like them.

It feels so unreal that we will play for a huge crowd and some of them are our fans.
Our band is getting more and more recognition every year, still not where I've dreamt it when we started it but i feel like soon we will be on top and people will know who we are and what we want to teach and show them with our music.

Everything is getting better and better in my life too.
As days go by i worry less about Johanna.
It's been months since she actually left the clinic and we haven't heard anything about her or from her since then.

The doctor that our lawyer brought checked her after listening to our conversation and he also believes that she is actually okay and fine, i could say that he was sure about his saying.
And maybe he was right because everything is going perfectly fine, yea I'm still worried and Kristy is still afraid some times but we haven't heard anything about her and that means that we will manage to live happily together and soon Johanna will be out of our mind too and we will be completely free forever.

Kristy has an other reason to be nervous though.
My parents will be visiting us tomorrow and Kristy is way too stressed about the image that she will have to show and their opinion about it.
I don't find it as a serious reason to be stressed though.
My parents will definitely love her, especially my mom and they always support my decisions no matter what and I'm the luckiest for this.

I've repeated a million times to her that my parents will like her if she is herself and not if she tries to act like the perfect woman in the world for them but she still is worried no matter what I say, especially about what she should cook and wear.
I don't even remember how many clothes she showed me yesterday because as she says I know them and know what they find appropriate and what not.

She looks beautiful in everything and I'm sure that she doesn't have to wear anything formal to meet them but she still hasn't decided and i will surely have a hard day tomorrow but i like it.

When she gets nervous for those reasons or when she gets mad at me because I'm not really helping she is the most fun and cute person in this world and instead of helping i prefer just sitting in bed and just enjoying watching her try all those outfits that she looks so beautiful in them.

But today she gave the day to me.
She knows how much stress this is bringing me and playing in a scene like this for so many people isn't really easy.
Too many eyes looking at you and criticizing the way you look, act, sing and everything about your music and appearance.

"How do you feel?" Joonas asked Aleksi while fixing his guitar strings "first time on stage with us" he continued and Aleksi looked at him

In less than twenty minutes we would be on stage.

"Really excited" he grabbed a beer bottle that he was drinking from before

"Just If you decide to move around on stage be careful" Niko looked at him and i nodded with a laugh

Still I Can Feel You - Joel Hokka Where stories live. Discover now