Always ☁

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Hey guys! This is my first ever Wattpad story
I'm sorry if its kind of funky.
Also it has been edited bye future me so hopefully it's better than it was.
If you read this before I edited it, I am so sorry. It was nasty as shit.
Eddie Munson. A man you had really liked for a while. You were pretty good friends, and you hung out often, But you had always admired him in a way you felt not right for.

He had always been made fun of his whole life, and he'd been thought of as a freak, but you saw him as so much more.

You were sitting on your couch, surfing through channels, when suddenly you saw it.

A murder had taken place in Eddie's Uncles trailer and they were now on the lookout for him.

"Shit" You muttered.

A feeling of denial arose in you.
There was no way Eddie would ever do something like this.

You immediately stood up, looking around for your car keys. You were going to find him, you needed to. You felt such an urge to go hold him and keep him safe. Just like you had always imagined.

Eddie was always there for you, It was your turn to go take care of him.
But there was one problem. You had no idea where he would have gone to.

You paused for a minute, leaning against your kitchen counter. You were so anxious, you had bitten your nails down to stubs. Sure you wanted to find him, but you had no idea where to even look.

You turned around to reach for a glass of water, as everything finally began to reach you. Eddie was wanted for murder, and realistically there was nothing you could do about it. But still, you wanted to be there for him. You felt like you needed to.

You turned around and spotted your keys on the kitchen counter.

"Thank fucking god." You sighed.

You ran outside as fast as you can, slamming the door shut behind you.
The wind running through your hair.

You got into your car, slammed the door, and hurriedly started your car.


You drove around for what felt like hours, before you had to stop on the side of the road and recollect.
You were so worried, you couldn't stop shaking. You traced your finger acrossed the steering wheel, starting to cry.

You didn't want to give up, but you were so stuck. Where else could you look? It was getting darker and darker by the minute, and he was probably so hungry and cold.

You reached into your glove box for the pack of marlboro you kept in there, when suddenly a thought came to you.

There was a secluded place near Lovers Lake he could easily have gone to. It was the perfect place to hide.
The man who lived there, Reefer Rick, sold Eddie his drugs. However was in jail, and his house was currently vacant, meaning it was likely Eddie was there.

You quickly slammed on the peddle, fucking speeding over to Ricks house.
You prayed no cops were out right now, because you didn't have time for bullshit.

As soon as you got there, you ran out of your car as fast as you could, tripping on the way to the front door.

You got up, dusted yourself off, and climbed up to the ledge by the window, peaking inside. You hoped you might see him somewhere in the house, but he was nowhere to be seen.

You jangled the door handle, but of course it was locked. Normally this wouldn't be a problem, since you could pick locks, but you didn't have anything to do that with.

"Fuck, I'm gonna have to kick the door down" You said unsure. Mostly because you didn't know how the fuck to kick a door down. But you still wanted to try. You ran up to the door and banged your body against it, sending waves of shock and pain throughout your body. However it didn't budge. Even after several tries.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now