You Should Be Mine 🍋

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This was requested <3

I wrote this at 3 am so I'm sorry if there are spelling errors 🥶


You and Steve Harrington had been dating for about a month now, much to your dismay. He was a huge dick, and the only reason you agreed to date him is because he wouldn't stop asking.  But it soon turned out your relationship was all pretty much for show. Steve acted like such a gentleman in public, but when you two were alone he basically ignored you. You knew he was only dating you to make other girls jealous, but you couldn't care less. The faster he found another girl, the faster you would be free.

Tonight, after school, you were supposed to go on a date with him to some restaurant. He was gonna pick you up two hours after school let out, which gave you enough time to look "perfect" for him. But in all honesty, you hoped tonight would be the night he'd break up with you. 

When you woke up in the morning, you began to feel extremely nauseous. You hated having to walk through the hallways holding Steve's hand. You felt nothing towards him, and he seemed to feel the same. It all felt so cold and upsetting. You wanted to be with someone who really cared about you. But right now, that seemed quite impossible.

You began to get ready. Applying light shimmery eyeshadow, and mascara onto your face. You patted your cheeks with a reddish pink blush and threw your hair back into a ponytail. Then you flung your backpack around your shoulder, grabbed your headphones, and walked out the door.

You lived relatively close to Hawkins High, so most of the time you walked to school. (Which was what you did today) You quickly threw all your books into your locker, and ducked your head, trying to avoid Steve as long as you possibly could. But unfortunately, a few seconds, you ran straight into his chest. 

"Hey baby! What's wrong?" He smiled at you, clearly just for show. His tone around you was so fake it made you want to vomit. He wrapped his arms around you and held you tight, leaning over to your ear to whisper, "Smile." 

You rolled your eyes and sighed before obeying his command. "Nothing's wrong! I just missed you soo much!" You smiled, purposely trying to sound annoying. Steve glares at you before pulling you by your arm to an empty classroom. He roughly let go of your arm before closing the door and glaring at you. 

"If I'm gonna let you be my girlfriend, at least make it believable." He grunted at you. 

After staring at the ground for a few moments, avoiding eye contact with you, he grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at him. 

"You know I just want the best for the both of us sweetheart." He smirked at you. 

Suddenly, a rush of anger overflowed within you. You swatted away his hand, and ran out of the classroom, muttering something about "Bullshit" before slamming the door, leaving him alone in there.

You were so sick and tired of this. Every moment with him made you hate him more and more, but it was just about looking pretty, right? Being perfect? Well, you were done with that. You couldn't handle it anymore. And you had the perfect idea on how to execute this...

During lunch, you ran over to Eddie "The Freak" Munson's table and grabbed his arm and pulling him aside. 

Once you were far away enough from the lunchroom to where no one would overhear you, you slowed down and let go of his arm.

"I need drugs Eddie." You sighed, refusing to make eye contact with him.

"Woah woah woah. You're just gonna pull me away suddenly and beg me for drugs?" He frowned.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now