Why Didn't You Tell Me?☁

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This was a request <3

It was a Friday night, and you hadn't seen Eddie all day. Every time you tried to call him, his uncle would answer and tell you Eddie wasn't home or busy or something. It was very strange though, him being gone every single hour of the day, when he hardly ever went anywhere. 

After laying there feeling depressed basically all day, you decided to get your ass up and go to his trailer. It was 9 o'clock at night, but there was no way he would be asleep already, so you grabbed your stuff and got ready to drive over, attempting to call one more time before you left.

Wayne picked up the phone again and this time, instead of saying Eddie was busy, you heard him yelling off to Eddie, even though it sounded like he covered the phone with his hand, you could hear the conversation clearly.

"Eddie come here and talk to your girlfriend. I don't want to lie to her for you anymore. And get out of bed and eat something before you starve to death kid." He shouted across the room.

"I'm sorry, he'll be here in a second." Wayne said uncovering the phone. A few seconds later you heard a "fine fine, just give it to me." Before Eddie got onto the phone.

"Hey." He said sounding completely uninterested. 

"Are you mad at me...?" You asked on the verge of tears.


"Then why haven't you called me or come over today." 

"I was just busy." He sighed.

"Sorry. do you wanna hang out now...?" 

"I don't really care." 

"Eddie, what is going on with you??? Yesterday you were acting completely fine, did something happen?"

"Nothing's going on. I'm fine. Just come over if you want." And with that he hung up. You weren't even gonna lie to yourself, you were pissed. Something was obviously really wrong, and he wasn't going to tell you over the phone. You were gonna have to go over now. Not that it bothered you, you were just afraid he was gonna change his mind and ask you to go home. 

You grabbed your keys and started to drive over to the trailer park where Eddie lived. As soon as you got there you saw Eddie waiting outside with a cigarette in his hand, looking extremely upset about something. You parked your car and walked outside over to him. You put your hand on his shoulder and frowned at him.

"Eddie baby, what wrong? Why won't you talk to me?" You asked as he continued to just stare down at the dirt upset.

He took a deep breath and sighed before flicking his cigarette down to the ground and lightly smashing it with his shoe. He put his hands in his pockets and looked up at you. Only now could you see the prominent bags poking out from under his eyes. It looked as if he had been crying for a while.

"I don't want to bother you Y/n. It's really nothing." He said biting his lip.

"Don't even give me that. It is not and will never be nothing to me. You can talk to Eddie. I'm not gonna judge you, and you're not gonna bother me." You frowned gripping at his hand. 

"Y/n it's really nothing, please just listen to me." He said, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Oh so ignoring me all day and getting your uncle to back you up is nothing? Looking like you're about to break down into tears is nothing? Sounding upset as fuck is nothing?" 

"Yeah I gu-"

"Fine. I guess I'll just go home then." You sighed walking back to your car.

"No wait Y/n." He said chasing after you. He tried to catch up to you, but you maneuvered his arms and began to reach for the car door.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now