Here For You

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(This is kind of just an emergency fluff story, because I think we all really need it)

You had been sitting on your couch for 2 hours, sobbing uncontrollably.
You just finished your favorite show, you had been watching since you were young, and your favorite character died.
People could say what they wanted about you, but you fell I'm love with the character, you felt like you really knew them.
So yes, you cried, and you cried, and you cried, and you didn't stop.

Your head ached, but you didn't want to do anything about it, everything hurt too much.

That's when you heard the keys to your front door begin to jangle.
Your boyfriend was home.
And you panicked.
You didn't want him to see you in tears, with your eyes all puffy.
You probably looked absolutely disgusting, and you didn't want him to see you like that.

So when the door opened, you hid your face, pretending to be asleep.

You heard him close the front door, and throw his shoes down.
"Is he mad?" You thought.
"Fuck" he grunted, throwing down his stuff.
His footsteps then began to walk closer to you.
And you felt him lay down next to you on the couch.

"I'm sorry baby" he whispered into your ear.

He began rubbing your back, and caressing your cheek.

"I heard what happened"

"You really liked him didn't you baby."

You sniffled, and nodded.

"Oh sweetheart, are you crying?"

You started to sob again.

"Don't cry, please baby, please"

He said picking you up, turning you around.
And once he saw your face all puffy and red, he frowned, sincerely.

He grabbed your head, and hel you close to him. Squeezing you tight.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, just try to remember, he wasn't real ok-"

"He was real to me Eddie" you interrupted him.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry" he stared down at you for a few minutes. Then kissed your forehead.

"Come on baby, let's go lay down ok"

"Do you wanna order your favorite food?"

You nodded and sniffled again.

"How long have you been crying for?" Eddie asked massaging your scalp.

"2 hours" you quietly whimpered.

"2 hours?????!!! Baby let me get you some medicine ok"

You nodded

"Come here, hop on my back" he half smiled.

You jumped onto his back, and he walked over to the sink.
He poured you a cup of water, and then got you some ibuprofen.

He put you down.
"Here, take this baby" he smiled

"Thank you Eddie" you whimpered once again.

Once you had taken them, he picked you up again and said "Keep the water ok, you're probably dehydrated."
And then he carried you over to your bedroom and layed you down.
He then took your water and put it down onto the table.

He ordered you food, and then asked you if you wanted to watch a movie, to which you softly replied "yes."

But the sight of you upset like this, broke his heart.

He knew how much the show meant to you, so after the movie turned on, he grabbed you again, and sat you on his lap.

He then wrapped the two if you in a blanket, and snuggled into the back of your neck, putting his arms around you.
He snuggled you closely, and whispered over and over again, "Everything's gonna be ok, I love you so so much baby."

After you had slightly calmed down, he listened to you explain all of the theories that he might still be alive.

He giggled at your denial.

Which led you to elbow him in his side.

He fell onto his back and stuck his stuck out, pretending to be dead.

Which made you mad, so you lightly hit his face.

"Stoooppppp Eddie, it's not funny."

He chuckled, and picked you up, putting his arms around you.

"I love you baby. I'll be here for you forever, no matter what happens.
I will never ever leave you. You are my everything, and I'm so sorry about what happened. If I could, I would fix everything, just for you"

You started to cry again.

"I love you too Eddie. Thank you for everything you've done today for me"

You kissed his lips, and smiled.
Tears running down your cheeks.

"Please never ever leave me Eddie."
You said crawling onto his lap.

He then wrapped his arms around you.
"I will never leave you baby."

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now