Mattress 🍋

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You and eddie had been hanging out for quite a while now, but only at school.
One day, he decided to take the chance, and invite you over to his uncles trailer.
You had been crushing on him for quite a while now, so you happily agreed.

When you got home from school that day, you dressed to impress eddie, hopefully winning his heart.
After that, you drove to Eddie's trailer and knocked on the door, to which there was no answer.

"Maybe he isn't home" you thought.
But suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder.
You turned around, to see who had touched you, and there was eddie.

"Hey, i didn't expect you to actually come" he said putting his hand behind his head.
"Of course I came" "Why wouldn't i?" You question.

He looked you up and down, and then said "you look beautiful right now. Why are you all dressed up just to hang out with me"
"I'm not even dressed up" you giggled.
"Whatever you say, let's go inside now, it's pretty cold out"

He led you into his room. Sitting down on his bed and signaling for you to sit down next to him.

He turned on the TV, and put on a movie you did not recognize.
He turned to face you, looking closely at you.
You didn't know why, but it made your cheeks feel hot.

"Why are you staring at me eddie?" You asked.
"You just look so beautiful right now" he said softly.
You couldn't help but stare at his perfectly shaped lips.
And the way he was looking at you, sent a feeling down your spine that made you shiver.

"Are you cold?" He asked
You shook your head, but he still continued to put his blanket on his bed around you.
When he picked up the blanket you saw something.
There were stains on his mattress...

He seemed to notice you staring at them, he chuckled and said "That's nothing I swear"
You giggled, he was so sweet and funny.

But the stains made you think hard about something...
You imagined him laying down in his bed, cradling his cock in his hands.
You couldn't help but become wet at the thought of that.

Now there was only one thing you wanted right now, but you couldn't just tell him you wanted his dick in you. You didn't want to look or sound weird.

So you went to the bathroom to jerk off.
Thrusting your fingers into yourself, you thought about eddie going down on you, becoming whole with you.

The thought made you feel so good, you accidentally slipped out a moan.
"Fuck" you thought.
"I hope he didn't hear"

But little did you know he was behind the door the whole time.
He could tell you were horny just sitting there, so when you walked out of the bathroom, he pinned you against the wall and passionately kissed your lips.
The feeling of him against you made you even hornier.

He reached down a grabbed your ass cheek, kneading it in between his hands.
His other hand wrapped around your neck

You felt yourself begining to become needier and needier.
You needed him so bad.
He grabbed you're legs and pushed you up against the wall, spreading one leg up.

He ran his finger up and down your pussy, spreading your juices everywhere.
"Fuck, how are you so fucking wet?"
He gripped you by your neck and thigh and pushed himself into you.

It felt fantastic, it was so rewarding.
He thrusted into you, grunting hard.
His cock was so warm and big, it felt so good.

You moaned so loud your throat started to hurt.
He grabbed you and pushed you down onto his cum soaked mattress, thrusting at you at a quick speed.
You moaned louder and louder, feeling yourself about to cum.

He rubbed your clit while he thrusted his giant cock into you over and over again.
It was over and over and it didn't stop. It felt so good you couldn't breathe.

"Fuck I'm gonna cum"

"Ohhh fuck I'm gonna cum", he groaned.

You panted looking up at him,
Moaning. He pulled out and you jerked off his dick while he fingered you. You both finished, moaning.

He pulled you to his chest and layed
You onto his chest.

"I really like you eddie" you whispered as he played with your hair.
He paused for a moment.
"Y/n... you know how long I've waited to hear those words?"

He grabbed your chin and pulled you up to kiss you.
He grabbed your face and looked you in the eyes, "please be mine y/n"

"I will"

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now