Stargazing ☁️

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This was a request from my mean friend who won't let me sleep and is holding me hostage to write her fan fiction about Jeff the killer.
MiaReincke >:C

You and Eddie were currently hiking up a hill, which you had forced him to do. Ever since you started dating, you had wanted to go stargazing with him but you could never find the perfect time to go.

But finally, tonight was the night. And although Eddie had been complaining literally the whole way there, you could tell he was excited too.
Once you got up the trail that you were hiking on, you saw the perfect secluded spot to lay your blankets and pillows (Eddie was carrying) down onto the ground and wait for the sun to fully set.

 Once you got up the trail that you were hiking on, you saw the perfect secluded spot to lay your blankets and pillows (Eddie was carrying) down onto the ground and wait for the sun to fully set

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Eddie threw everything down onto the ground and collapsed, whining about something being "heavy" and "bleh bleh bleh."

One thing about Eddie is he is dramatic as fucking shit, and will complain about literally anything and everything.

You grabbed the bag which contained of pillows and blankets and layed then down onto the ground making a cute little set up.

You grabbed the bag which contained of pillows and blankets and layed then down onto the ground making a cute little set up

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Like this but not in a truck and more pillows and blankets.

After you had finished setting everything up, you jumped ontop of him and smiled.

"mmmm what are you doing, I'm tired." He mumbled.

"Ed come on, you can't sleep now, we're going stargazing." You grumbled making a fake angry face.

He looked up at you and started giggly at.

"STOP LAUGHING AT ME!" You giggled, throwing a pillow at him.
He picked another pillow up and started hitting you back with it. This soon turned into an intense pillow fight, which lasted for about 5 minutes. It ended with him pushing you down and straddling you ontop of the blanket.

You rolled over so you were ontop now and layed down onto his chest.
You caressed his cheek, and move his hair away from his face, receiving a soft little "mmm" in return. Which was more then enough for you, considering he was so fucking cute and the sounds he made, sometimes made you wanna explode.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now