Mattress Part 2 🍋

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It had been a week since you and Eddie had hung out.
And everytime you saw him in the hallway, you couldn't help but remember the things he did to you that day. And it drove you crazy.
You wanted it to happen again.

   You were on your way to your
locker, to get your science book.
When suddenly you ran into someone, knocking your stuff onto the floor.

"Mmm sorry doll"

You looked down onto the floor, only to see a very familiar set of rings, reaching for your stuff.

You looked down onto the floor, only to see a very familiar set of rings, reaching for your stuff

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You immediately knew who it was, and became extremely embarrassed as soon as you saw his hands.

You looked up at him, to in fact confirm it was indeed, Eddie.

"You look shocked beautiful, something on your mind?" He smirked at you.

You stared close at him, the two of you locking eyes for what felt like an eternity. But the whole time, that smirk stayed glued on his face.

"Hello?" He said waving his hand in front of your face.
You came back to the moment, and shook your head, standing up.

"You okay?" He asked putting a hand on your shoulder.

Without looking him in the eyes, you grabbed your book, and walked away quickly.

You stopped and turned into the bathroom, just to be sure he wasn't following you.
And after a few minutes, you walked out, went to your locker grabbed your book, and ran to class.

After school

You slammed your locker shut.
Dreading going home.
You wanted so badly for Eddie to touch you again.
It was all you thought about the whole day.

  The thought of his skin against yours drove you insane.
You wanted to feel him close to you again.

You became so wet eventually, you started to feel like you were dripping.
Your face was visibly red, and your whole body was sweaty.

   You walked out of the school about to get on your bus, when suddenly, you felt someone pull you aside.

When you looked up, you saw Eddie again.
"Fuck, what are you do-"
"Just follow me" he said dragging you along.

      After walking for about 5 minutes in silence, you finally ended up I'm the woods, next to the school.

"Eddie, what are we doing here-?"
But before you could even finish, he stopped you, by smashing his lips against yours, and gripping onto your waist and back.

He eventually pulled apart, panting.
He looked almost sad in a way.

"Why are you avoiding me?"
He asked, with a look of almost  desperation in his eyes.

He grabbed your chin and pinned you against a tree.
"Please Y/N, what did I do wrong?"
He stared deep into you, it almost felt like he was about to burn a hole in you with his gorgeous eyes.

You paused for a moment, looking down at the dirt.

"It's not that I'm trying to avoid you, I just can't stop thinking about how you made me feel-"

At that moment he grabbed your cheek and desperatly smashed his face into yours. His tounge sitting on your bottom lip, waiting for  permission to enter your mouth, to which you allowed.

He began to passionately make out with you, desperatly wrestling his tounge against yours.

Soon he parted, panting.
"You know how much I've been thinking about you, and your pretty little body?" He grunted into your ear.
You shook your head.

"I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you
Y/N, I swear to God, I'm gonna fuck you so hard" he almost whined.

"Right here?" You asked concerned.

"Nobody ever comes back here baby"
He said wrapping his arms around your waist.

"You've been horny all fucking day haven't you?" He smirked.

You frowned at him, and looked down again. But only to be greater by his raging boner.
If there was one thing you could remember, it was how fucking huge his dick was.

He seemed to notice you were staring at his dick, so he grabbed your chin and pulled your head up to face him.

"You see that table over there?"

You nodded.

"Go over to it, take your clothes off and put them on there.
Lean against the table, and put your ass up.

You walked over to table and did exactly as he told you too, which made him feel even hornier.
He walked over to you, and touched you, caressing your waist, and roughly squeezing your tit.

"Eddie." you whined. "Please, I want you so bad."

And to that he couldn't refuse.

He smirked, and stood behind you.
He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down.
You could feel his dick spring out, and  lightly hit you on your thigh.

As soon as his dick popped out, he groaned.

He ran pointer finger through your lips, and then he leaned down and ran his tounge up and down a few times, sending shocks throughout you.

He stroked his cock a few times, and then he placed his dick at your entrance, shoving it in and grunting.

You moaned, almost immediately.
You forgot how good it felt, having him inside of you.

He began to thrust, slow at first, but as time moved on, he thrusted harder and harder.

The whole time the two of you moaned each other's names.

While he pounded into you, you whimpered his name over and over.

"I want you so bad" he moaned, pounding into you harder.

Soon you felt like you were screaming his name.

You were so close, and so was he.

You felt his dick begin to twitch, and your legs begin to shake.
And soon he pulled out, and cummed onto your ass.
You came at the very last second.

After a few minutes of panting,
He held his arms out and softly said
"Come here."
You moved closer to him, and he held you.

He rocked you back and forth for a few moments, before suddenly saying.

"I guess you missed the bus, huh?"

You giggled. "You owe me a ride home"

He smirked at you and then kissed you passionately.

"Come on, get your clothes on, and I'll take you home ok."

You nodded in reply.

"Can you maybe stay over for a little while?" You asked, looking up at him.

"Sure" he chuckled, as the two of you walked off together....


There will probably be a part three btw.
Also thank you guys for 7k reads!!!

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