Why Would I Be Jealous? 🍋

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You and Eddie Munson had been friends for a long time.
And you truly felt like there was something between the two of you.
The way he looked at you, and touched you, drove you crazy.
You just wanted to be his.

You made the decision to go seem him after school, and tell him how you felt. So as soon as yhe bell rung, you went to his locker. But he was no where to be found.
You looked outside of the school, by his van, and even checked to see if the Hellfire Club (Eddie's Club) had seen him. But of course they had no idea where he was.
So you decided to go look in the woods he would smoke in.
As soon as you entered the woods, you heard his voice.
You smiled getting ready to run up there, but there he was with Chrissy Cunningham... your best friend...

Your heart sank.
They were both laughing and giggling together.
He put his hand onto her shoulder, and you felt yourself begin to cry.
Did he like your best friend instead all along?

You sadly walked away to your car, about to drive off, but someone suddenly came behind you.
Billy Hargrove. The schools biggest fuckboy.
"Why so serious doll?" He smirked at you.
"It's nothing" you mumbled.
"Doesn't seem like nothing" he chuckled
"That long haired freak find another girl?"

"He's not a freak, and it doesn't matter" you snapped

"Mm, ok. How about this, why don't you come over and hang with me for a little bit? I'm sure you'll be feeling better before you know it. I know a nice little secluded place, and I got a six pack. That sound ok?" He said booing and holding his hand out to you.

This gave you a thought.
You wanted to get back at Eddie, and you were so going to.

You grabbed his hand and and smiled.
"Show me the way Hargrove"

Eddie's POV

Eddie had just gotten done dealing with Chrissy, when he remembered he forgot to tell you he was going to be a little late.
He ran to the parking lot to see if you were there, but instead he saw you in Billy Hargroves car driving away with him.
His heart sank.
"What is she doing with that dick?"
He got into his car and started to follow. He wanted to keep an eye on you. It's not that he was jealous, but he wanted to make sure you were safe.

Soon Billy pulled into the parking lot of an abandoned car shop.
He peered into the car and saw Billy smirking at you.
The two of you with beers in your hands.

"Oh fuck, what the hell is he trying to do?" Eddie mumbled getting pissed.
He got out of his van so he could see the two of you better, and hid behind a nearby bush.


Billy reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
He put one into his mouth, and offered you one, but you shook your head.
He lit it and threw his head back.

He was pretty attractive, but he kind of scared you, and everybody knew he's a jerk anyways, so you tried not to get too attached.

"So what's going on with you and Eddie? Is he your boyfriend?" He suddenly asked looking over at you.

"Please, we're just friends" you scoffed, remembering what you saw earlier.
A sudden feeling of pain emerged in your chest.
You wanted Eddie so bad, so why couldn't he just feel the same.

In the minute of rage, you climbed over onto Billy's lap and smashed your lips against his roughly.
He stuck his tounge into your mouth and grabbed your ass.
Suddenly it didn't feel right.

"Getting straight to the point huh?" He smirked.

You looked away, regretting your action.

"Look y/n, I'm not gonna lie. I don't think you should be hanging out with me, whatever Eddie did, doesn't matter. I can tell you two are really close." He said lifting you off of his lap.

"I appreciate that you cane to hang out with me though, do you need a ride home?" He asked

You shook your head.
"I live a few blocks away I'll just walk" you lied.

"Kay doll, let me know if you ever need anything, I'd be happy to talk with you again." He winked to you as you got out of his car.

But as soon as he drove away, you started to sob.
You wanted Eddie, but he didn't seem to really care. Lately he had been distant, so maybe it was over between you two.

You fell to your knees looking at the dirt, feeling remorseful.

But all of a sudden someone grabbed your arm.

Eddie's POV
Eddie watched as you sat onto Billy's lap suddenly and kissed him.
Suddenly rage grew within him.
But Billy took you off of his lap and soon you got out and he drove away.

He didn't know what was happening but he was angry.
You were his, and he had loved you for so long.
Why were you acting like this out of nowhere??

He stomped over to you and grabbed your shoulder, flipping you around.
He then pulled you over to his van and pushed you inside.
He grabbed your neck and held you against the wall of the van, making you gasp.

"What the fuck were you doing swapping spit with Billy fucking Hargrove?" He said gripping against your neck harder.

"Eddie it's not-"

"I don't wanna fucking hear that shit Y/n" he said grabbing your hair and turning you around.

"You are fucking mine"

He unbuckled his pants and pulled them down.
His dick springing out of his underwear.
You wondered how long he was hard for.
He pulled your panties off and kicked them to the side.

"So now tell me" he said slipping his cock into you.

"Who has a bigger dick? Billy, or Me?"

He slowly stroked inside of you.
"Answer the question."

"Eddie I didn't fuck him" you moaned

"Then why were you making out with him huh?"
He started to thrust faster, and harder.
You gasped, moaning his name over and over.
He filled the entirety of you up, leaving no space.
When he thrusted it send waves to your core.
You felt unable to breathe, the way his dick thrusted and thrusted and wouldn't stop.

"Does it feel good y/n?" He grunted.

"Y-yes Eddie" you moaned.

He suddenly grabbed your hair pulling your body closer to his
"Why do you do this to me y/n, why?"
He thrusted harder.

"I love you so much, but the second I leave you alone, you go around fucking some other guy?"
You felt his dick begin to twitch aggressively, and he soon pulled out and came on your ass, just after you finished.

He flipped you around, sitting you onto his lap, as you panted for air.
Your cheeks red and hot from the stimulation.

He grabbed your chin you pulled your face up close to his.

He kissed you, and put his hands on your cheeks.
A tear dripped down his face.

"Don't you care about me y/n"

You then started to sob.
"Eddie, I love you so much. But I saw you flirting with Chrissy in the woods whem i was looking for you, and you've been so distant, and I was so close to telling you how I felt.
His face suddenly looked full of remorse.
His eyes turning red.

"But when I saw Billy I wanted to get revenge on you, I wanted you to feel like I did" your tears fell harder

"I love you so much please don't leave me."

"Y/n... baby I'm so sorry. I was selling to Chrissy. I swear I didn't mean to make you feel like that. I love you too"
He ran his fingers through your hair.

"I care about you so much Eddie" you whimpered, digging your face into his chest.

"I feel the same"

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