Don't Look Away from Me🍋

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⚠TW: Choking, Edging, and idk if this counts but like biting...?

♡♡♡♡Eddie's POV♡♡♡♡ 

Eddie had been out selling all day, and he couldn't stop thinking about you. He hadn't seen you in a few days, and it was killing him. Every time the two of you were apart, all he did was crave to be with you. But this time it was the horny kind of craving. He desperately needed to see you soon, even though you had been busy lately because of the night shifts you worked. But tonight, he couldn't take it anymore. He had a plan to get to you before you could get to work. And right now, he was on his way to your house with only one thing on his mind. Fucking the living shit out of you...

♡♡♡♡Y/N'S POV♡♡♡♡

You were sitting in your bedroom getting ready for another exhausting night shift when suddenly, a knock came to the door. You rolled your eyes walking slowly to the door. You really didn't have time for this bullshit. Your boss was going to be really pissed if you were late again, and at this rate, you probably would be. You opened the door, assuming it was some neighbor or some shit, fully prepared to be bitchy with them, when you were met face to face with your boyfriend. 

"Eddie...? What are you doing-" You began to ask before he shoved you into your house and closed the door. 

"Look, baby I'm sorry but I have to get to work right now." You whined locking eyes with him. Instead of responding to you, he just stared at you. Expressionless.

"Eddie? Did you hear me?" You asked waving your hand in front of his face. Suddenly, he grabbed your wrist tightly and pressed you against the wall, pinning you down. He gripped you jaw with his other hand, not letting go of your wrist, and pressed his lips against yours. Only pulling away to pant for air. 

"Eddie... please not right now." You moaned as he gripped your shoulder while leaving a trail of wet kisses down your neck to your collar bone. Suddenly all thoughts of work slipped away from your mind. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him passionately. 

He parted from the kiss and grabbed your chin, smirking at you. "What about work doll?"

You looked up at him and rolled your eyes. "Just shut the hell up and fuck me already before I get fired Munson." 

He frowned at you and grabbed your neck harshly. "Don't get bratty with me now. I haven't seen you in fucking days. You don't know how much I've missed you." 

You glanced up at him, your eyes beginning to glass over, but you couldn't care less. Your body felt like it was already shaking, knowing exactly what was coming. He gripped at your waist and rasped out a small, "jump." To which you obeyed. He carried you off to your bedroom and threw you down onto your bed. He didn't hesitate to rip his shirt off immediately, exposing all of his tattoos. He threw his shirt to the corner of the room and jumped over to the bed, crawling slowly on top of you. As soon as he reached your lips, he cusped your cheek with his hand and kissed you roughly, biting your lips till they felt as though they might bleed. 

He finally moved away from your lips and began to suck onto the sweetest parts of your neck, chest, and collar bone. You were definitely going to have a shit ton of hickies in the morning. Your hands somehow found their way down to his belt and began to unbuckle it, ripping it off. 

You grabbed his cheek and pushed his face away from yours, staring deeply at him before moaning out, "Just fuck me already Eddie." To which he smirked at before sitting up off of you and pulling his pants and boxers off. His hard thick cock popping out immediately, causing you to melt. You took of your clothes and bit your lip as he crawled towards you again, shoving his dick inside of you as soon as he reached you. He gripped against you shoulder as he began to roughly thrust inside of you, causing you to turn your head away from him. He grunted, grabbing you by the throat and leaning closer to you. "Don't look away from me while I'm fucking you sweetheart." He rasped. 

The feeling of him reaching deeper and deeper inside of you at such a fast pace made you lose it. Within a few minutes you felt yourself clenching around him, so close to releasing before he pulled his dick out and stared at you, grinning from ear to ear. 

"Eddie please." You whined glaring up at him as he began to jerk himself off right on top of you.

"Nu uh. I'm not letting you finish yet. Not with how long I've been waiting." He smirked. 

After a few minutes of waiting there feeling absolutely tortured, he shoved himself back into you, receiving a string of moans and curse words spilling from your mouth. He smirked at you as he pounded into you, making you arch your back. You reached up for his biceps, clawing at them as he started to moan. His dick began to twitch inside of you, and the knot in your stomach became tighter and tighter. Soon you both released onto each other, as you both stared directly at each other, slowing the pace. 

Eddie pulled out you, sweat dripping from his neck, as the mix of your liquids spilled out of you, and onto your bed. Eddie smiled at you and smirked as he looked over at the clock.


You were forty minutes late to work, but in all honesty, you did not feel like going in today.

"Someone's a little late huh?" Eddie chuckled, receiving a light smack from you.

"Whatever. I should quit anyways considering how many creepy dicks come in at night." You yawned, laying down into his chest.

'Eddie caressed your back for a few minutes before looking at you and whispering, "Y/n, can you promise me something." 

You looked up at him and softly smiled. "Mm sure. What is it?"

He suddenly aggressively gripped at your waist and pulled you up to look him directly in the eyes. "Don't ever fucking leave me for that long ever again." He smiled, leaving wet kisses onto your cheek. 

"That's fine with me." You smiled, before nuzzling your face into his chest, and falling fast asleep.

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