Real Wild Child 🍋

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Hey guys! Thank you so much for 9k reads!!♡

This story was a request from SelinaClarke2 ♡♡♡

If anyone else has any requests, feel free to comment or message me ♡


Eddie was sitting in Steve's car.
Utterly annoyed.
Everyone in the car was so cheerful and excited, but Eddie wanted to go home.

He was being dragged along by the kids, Steve, and Robin, to some show their friend was putting on.
And to be honest, he couldn't care less.

He wanted to be at home.
He hadn't seen his guitar at all yet today, and that annoyed him even further.

The drive to the "venue" (more like a bar) took what felt like an eternity.
When he stepped out of the car, he thought about taking a run for it.
But Robin spotted him staring at the nearby woods, and grabbed his arm.
"Don't even think about it big boy."

Dustin frowned at Eddie.
"Can you please please just give this a try!
I promise you'll love it."
Eddie stared at Dustin and frowned.
"Please, I'm begging you"

He rolled his eyes. "Fine whatever. I cant get away anyways"

The group walked inside, and as soon as they stepped in, he saw her.

"A wild one
Ooo yeah a wild one"

He has seen her before, in the hallways at Hawkins High. But obviously he could never have the courage to talk to her.

Steve watched as Eddie froze in his tracks, staring up at Y/N.

"You like her huh?" He smirked.

Eddie just nodded in response.
Eyes glued up at her.

He watched as her fingers gripped the guitar. Sweat dripping down her chest.
And her lips, oh her lips.
They looked so soft and plump.
He wondered what it would be like to bite them.

He clenched his hand. A tingling sensation
Flowing throughout his body

"What's her name.." Eddie asked Steve, seemingly emotionless.

"Y/n" He began to chuckle.

The gang knew that Eddie would absolutely love her.

Steve walked away over to Robin to tell her about the situation, giggling to himself the whole time.
But Eddie didn't move or flinch.
He just stood there motionless.
Eyes glued onto her.

"No no no no no no no no
I'm a real wild child"

As soon as she finished performing,
Eddie frowned.
"Is she not gonna play anymore?"

They all laughed at him.
Dustin and Steve knew Eddie was quite lonely, so they figured they would introduce the two.

"Yep, she's done playing but....
Do you maybe wanna talk to her..?" Steve asked him.

Eddie nodded his head rapidly, looking funny as shit.

They led him to the parking lot, where she was sitting in her trunk, next to her guitar. She was tapping her foot, and smoking a cigarette.

Eddie suddenly felt himself panic, he wanted to turn around and run.
But she has already noticed him.

She threw her cigarette down and stomped on it.

Robin ran up to her and they did a weird and complicated hand shake, which Eddie payed close attention to.

Once they were done, she turned to him. Staring him in the eyes

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now