Who is He to You? pt 1

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Eddie was sitting in his van in the school parking lot, waiting for you to get out.
He watched as you walked out of the school, your long hair blowing in the wind as you applied lip gloss onto your soft lips. Or that's what he assumed.
He often imagined himself kissing your lips, biting them, licking them.
He imagined himself doing a lot to you.

After closing the tube of lip gloss, you turned around, talking to someone.
Eddie couldn't tell who it was exactly, due to him being far away.
But when the two of you started walking away from the school, he saw them.

Steve Harrington.
Eddie was in agony seeing the two of you laugh together.
The way you smiled, the way he looked at you.
All he wanted was for you to be his, and now that he saw you with Steve, a sudden feeling of anger arose in him.
He was going to get you, and he was never going to let you go.

He watched as you both got into Steve's car.
"That dick isn't even in high school anymore" Eddie thought, rolling his eyes.
He watched you turn on the radio, and roll your window down.
He wanted to reach out and grab you, but the car soon drove away.
Your pretty eyes sparkling in the sun.
Hair sticking to your glossy lips and blowing out the window.

It wasn't fucking fair, it really wasn't.
He needed you, he dreamed of placing your small body on top of him.
He wanted to touch every part of you, but he felt himself begin to crack.
He started the car, and followed Steve.
He needed you, and he wasn't going to let you get away that easily.




You pulled out a lighter, and your box marlboro box.
You took out a cigarette, and lit it.

"You know that shits bad for you right?" Steve laughed.
"Like I give a fuck" you retorted.

Your brother was driving you home today.
Yeah, Steve Harrington, the basketball champion was your stupid brother.
He was funny though, so sometimes it wasn't that bad.
But he was pretty full of himself, always bringing girls home at night, much to your annoyance.

That was kind of a new low for him, he normally only fucked with one girl at a time.
But now he didn't even seem to remember their names. He met them at his job after all, so it probably didn't matter.

"How's Robin?" You asked him

You and Robin were pretty close, but you hadn't seen each other in quite some time. You missed her though.

"She's ok, she's totally crushing on that marching band chick" he answered.

"Vickie??" You giggled

"Yeah her" he chuckled, shaking his head.

Just then you pulled into your driveway.
You both got out of the car, and he grabbed your cigarette and stomped on it.

"Don't let anyone see you with that dumbass"

You rolled your eyes "I know, oh my fucking god"

"I'm just looking out for you" he said opening the door.

"Whatever" you mumbled, stepping inside.


Eddie's POV


Eddie watched as you walked into your house, but strangley Steve walked in too.

He suddenly grew even angrier.
"Are they about to fuck?" He grunted.

He got out of his car, slamming the door, and he walked over to your house.

When he got there, he climbed up onto the ledge by one of the windows of your house (which happened to br your room)
And he saw you sitting on your bed, turning on your radio.

You turned around to face the window, an odd feeling inside of you, and Eddie quickly ducked down.
However he lost his balance and ended up falling.
"Fuck" he yelled.

You stood up, worried.
Were you being watched?


Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now