Hurt pt 1

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TW ⚠️ Mentions of Su*cidal thoughts, cut*ing, depression, abu$e, and alcoholism.
Feel free to skip this story if any of these topics upset you!

You sat on your bed.
Headphones on your head, body loose.
Ever since your mom lost custody of you, things have been going downhill.

You moved in with your dad, who's basically never home.
You had to move from a big house on Maple Street, to having to live in a trailer.

Everyday was duller than the last.
You woke up, cleaned, went to school, moped, cooked for your father, cleaned again, and slept.

Even at school, life felt meaningless.
You just wanted someone to be there for you and hold you.
You didn't even have any friends, even though you've lived in Hawkins all your life.

You wanted so badly to end it all.
But as soon as you tried, you always got cold feet, and gave up.
Today was different though, today was the day.
You could feel it.

When you got out of bed that day, you couldn't bother to go to school.
You walked out of your room, into the kitchen. Beer bottles everywhere, just like every other morning.

Well today was thankfully the last, you wouldn't have to see this bullshit anymore.
After your mom abusing you, and your parents divorce, Your father fell into a depression, even deeper than it already was.

But you couldn't care less anymore about anyone, you couldn't even care about yourself. So why should it matter.

You walked to the cupboards, and grabbed out a razor.
You put it into your sleeve and walked outside, towards the woods.

Your plan was to cut your wrist there, hoping your body wouldn't be found right away, and no one could attempt to save you.

But as soon as you stepped outside, you saw your neighbor pull up to his trailer and get out.
Probably with a girl, which made you jealous since you thought he was attractive, but it didn't matter.
You had to get out of here, and nothing was going to stop you.

You walked across the road, trying to get away from his van as fast as possible. But he turned to face you.
"Y/n right?" He suddenly asked.
You nodded, and started to walk away, but he kept talking.
"Why aren't you in school?"He said following you now.
"What does it matter " you rolled your eyes.

"You're just really smart, so I was just-"
"Do you need something?Eddie right?" You said trying to upset him so you could hopefully get away.

But a look of sadness washed over his face, making you suddenly feel awful.

"I was just gonna ask you something I've wanted to for a while, but I'm sorry, I'll just go." He turned around.

"Wait I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that" you said grabbing his shoulder.
"What is it you wanted to ask me?"

He looked back up at you, looking a bit happier.
"Do you maybe wanna hang out some time? I'm sorry, I've seen you at school, and like taking out the trash, not in a creepy way I swear! I just think you seek pretty cool so"

You giggled, suddenly feeling better.

"Sure, that would be really nice" you smiled at him.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked.

"Uh, nothing, I'm pretty sure"

"Do you wanna go do something tonight or something?" He put his hand awkwardly on his shoulder, smiling.

"I would love that, pick me up at my trailer" you giggled.

I'm sorry if this offended anyone.
If it did, please let me know!

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now