Upside Down 🍋☁️

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Woah guys. TYSM FOR 3K READS
I love you all ♥︎♥︎♥︎



You and Eddie had been running around the upside down for hours, trying to find Robin, Nancy, and Steve.
You had gotten separated at one point, and you couldn't find your way back.
You were stuck, and there were more strange things chasing you around.

So as soon as you saw a huge hole in the ground, you got into it and hid.

You closed of the entrance with a nearby rock, that fit perfectly for some reason.

When you looked around the hole, you both realized it was a maze of tunnels.
For what, you weren't yet sure.
But for now you were stuck in these slimy walls, that almost seemed to be moving.

The two of you wandered around these tunnels for hours, before soon giving up, and sitting down I'm one of the dead ends.

You had to admit, even though you were never that close, you were falling for Eddie. The whole time you two ran around the upside down, he was so protective. You didn't want it to be over, but you two were stuck, and would soon die of dehydration, or hunger.

Eddie estimated the two of you had maybe 30 hours left together.
Which made you extremely depressed.
You weren't ready to go, especially since you hadn't even told Eddie how you felt.
But you knew you had too, so after sitting in silence for about an hour, you spoke up.

"Eddie, there's something I need to tell you, before everything is over"

He looked up at you, surprised.

"What is it?", He tilted his head.

"I know there's no possible way you feel the same.... but after all this time we've spent together, I've grown to really like you. Everything sbout you just seems so amazing to me Eddie. I wish i didn't have to tell you this now" you looked down.

A look of concern seemed to grow on his face, but maybe it was something else.
All of a sudden he crawled over to you, and kissed you, passionately.
His soft lips connecting yours, mad your heart flutter.
You wished it could have lasted forever.

After he pulled away, he looked away from you.

"I'm surprised Y/L/N, I never thought someone like you could even care about a freak like me"

"What do you mean Eddie?" You said with concern

"I've liked you for so long now, I thought there was no way you could ever feel the same about someone like me" he signed.

You ran up to him, kissing him hard.
Making him gasp.

He put his hands around your waist, as you stuck your tounge into his mouth.

"Let's spend these last hours together ok" you smiled, with tears in your eyes.

He nodded, and picked you up ontop of him. Kissing you roughly.
"Y/n, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked.
You nodded, but he shook his head and said, "I need you to use your words" frowning.

"Y-yes Eddie" you moaned.

And with that he smirked.

He put you down and unzipped his pants, pulling them down.
He then picks you up and turns you around.
"This might hurt a bit doll" he groaned.
He then slid his rock hard dick into you, filling you up completely.
He immediately started groaning and swearing. Making you melt even further.
"E-eddie" you moaned his name over and over, arching your back, as his cock slammed deep into you.
Grunting Eddie put one hand around your neck, and the other on your waist. Slamming you against his dick like you were a little doll.

You wished you could see how it looked, him thrusting into you, smacking your ass occasionally.
You wanted to see what he was doing to you.
You were already such a mess, and you wanted him to tear you down, and destroy your insides even further.

There was this sort of adrenaline rush, something about knowing you wouldn't live much longer, that made you both enjoy it even further.

Soon you felt your legs begin to twitch.
"E-Eddie, I'm going to-"

"I know beautiful" he interrupted you, going faster now.

You felt yourself release onto his dick, and his dick soon twitching after.
He didn't bother pull out, since the two of you were gonna die soon anyways.

He pulled his pants back up and rebuckled them.
But then he looked back up at you, unsure what to do with the mess dripping down your legs.
He took of his jacket and wiped it up, before tying it around his waist.

Then you pulled your skirt back up, and turned to face him, smiling.

"Eddie, I love you" you said, starting to cry.

"I love you too baby" he smiled, sitting down, pulling you ontop of him.

"Hold me like this for the rest of our time please" you whimpered.

"I will darling, I will" he whispered, rubbing your back, as you nuzzled your face into his neck.


The two of you had fallen asleep, waking up a bit later, to voices coming from about the tunnel.

You both pounded on it, screaming for help.
Hoping you were going to he rescued, but then the voices stopped and moved further away.
"Fuck" Eddie shouted.
Of course this would happen to the two of you.
What a joke.

But then suddenly, something began to stab the ceiling of the tunnel.

It was a stick..?

Soon there was a big hole, and you could see that it was....

Steve, Nancy, and Robin.

They had all found you.

The two of you climbed out, and you hugged Robin, and Nancy.
Eddie and Steve, kind of staring at each other.

"How did you find us?" Eddie asked very surprised.

"Well.... we kind of heard y/n screaming your name... so we assumed you were over hear somewhere" Steve chuckled embarrassingly, putting his hand awkwardly on the back of his head.

"That was nothing" you mumbled, your face turning bright red.

Eddie chuckled, and put his arm around your shoulder.
They told the two of you, Max, dusten, and Lucas had found an exit for you guys to leave through in Eddie's trailer, so they went back to look for you, and that's when they heard the screams.

You and Eddie both looked at each other and smiled.

Just a few hours ago, you thought you might die, but look at you now.

"I love you" Eddie whispered into your ear.

You smiled back at him.

"I love you too"


Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now