Just Friends? 🍋

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You and Eddie Munson had been friends basically your whole life. You've had a few crushes on him every now and then, but obviously you weren't going to tell him that. You felt like he didn't feel the same.

Every day before school, Eddie would pick you up in his van. But today was different. You waited for him outside of your house, but he didn't show up. Eventually you just decided to walk to school, not wanting to be late. You didn't mind walking, but you were kind of upset you wouldn't be able to see Eddie much. You only had 2 classes together and lunch, but you always sat next to Chrissy, so not then either. 

You actually hadn't seen him all weekend even though you normally hung out at least once on the weekends. You were worried, but maybe you were just over exaggerating. You just missed him, and to be completely honest, yes, you did love Eddie, more than anything and anyone. 

It pissed you off when you saw him with other girls, and you tried to act like it was nothing, but your whole life you've wanted nothing more than to be his

You sat down in your seat. First hour was English, not too bad, but still pretty boring. You just wanted Eddie, and you couldn't stop thinking about him at all. You had third hour together so hopefully he would be there. Hopefully. 

You sat there all throughout first hour and panickily tapped your pencil against your desk, waiting for the bell to ring so you could get the fuck out of here. It felt like an eternity had passed before the bell finally rung. And once it did, you sprung out of your seat, and ran to one of Eddie's bandmates lockers. You waited for a few minutes before the boy finally appeared. (yk the one everyone except for me thinks is fine for some reason)

"Y/n?? What's up?" He asked confused.                                                                                                                         "Have you seen Eddie at all today?" You fumbled with your fingers, frantically looking around.       He chuckled seeing you looking that worried for someone as lonely as Eddie.                                         "No, I haven't seen him, but have you looked in the school parking lot? He might just be skipping first hour in his van or something." He suggested. You nodded in response and thanked him before walking out of the school to the parking lot, where believe it or not, Eddie's van was parked. 

You could tell he was in there because Iron Maiden was being blasted from the inside. Sometimes you wondered how he hadn't gone deaf from how loud he turned his music up to. You walked up to the window and looked through, but he wasn't there. Suddenly the back of his van opened up and out he came, giggling. He wrapped his arms around you from behind and smiled as he dug his face into the crook of your neck.                                                                                          

 "Eddie, are you drunk...?" You asked genuinely concerned.                                                                                "Maybe a litttttllleee." He giggled.                                                                                                                                 You glared at him and sighed. "Come on, hand me your keys and get in the car, I'm taking you home."                                                                                                                                                                                          He pranced around the parking lot, completely ignoring you.                                                                           "Eddie if you don't get your ass over here right now, I swear to god." You yelled                                        He came up to you and grabbed you, pulling you in to kiss you.

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