Heaven and Hell 🍋☁️

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Eddie, your best friend of 12 years, finally invited you to one of his shows.

His band, although not that popular, was going to be performing at quite a big venue.
Which excited you, because they didn't get that much recognition.

You watched as Eddie got ready.
He put his rings on his fingers, his chain on his pants, and his watch, and other bracelets.

He put on a black dress shirt, and unbuttoned the top three buttons, and loosely tied a red tie around his neck.
Something a little like this

He fixed his hair up, and sprayed himself with colonge, which smelt heavenly

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He fixed his hair up, and sprayed himself with colonge, which smelt heavenly.

He looked so hot getting ready, you couldn't help but feel jealous other girls were probably going to see him like that.
You see, you have had feelings for Eddie for a long time.
And it made you jealous everytime he kissed another girl, or even talked to one.
You wanted to be his, and it pissed you off immensely.

He stared up at you.

"What's with that look on your face?"He smirked

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"What's with that look on your face?"
He smirked.

You looked away, too embarrassed to admit the things that were going through your head right now.
You were just friends, and entirely platonic.
However there were a few times you had made out, but that was just for practice.

Your thoughts were interrupted by Eddie picking his guitar up off of his wall and kissing it.
He held it over to you, which made you very confused.

"Kiss her... for good luck" he said, looking at you utterly serious.

You giggled at him before pecking the guitar, making him smile at you.

He put his guitar in its case, and made sure he had everything together.

He didn't have to be there for another hour and a half, so he had some time to prepare himself.

As he bent over and zipped the case up, those thoughts washed over you once again.

The thought of him ontop of you, holding your body, drove you crazy.

You wanted to feel him inside of you every part of you, fill you up all the way.

Eddie Munson Oneshots ♡Where stories live. Discover now